I saw a car on craigslist for sale and it is undrivable b/c the front axle and wheel are bent and the whole front is messed up. He said the engine runs fine but the windshield is also broken as well. How do I get this car to my house? He lives about an hour and a half away in MD and I am in Ephrata, PA. How much would it cost to tow to my house?
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"
Just wondering, but why do you want buy a broken car man?
well when i bought my talon me and a buddy with a truck went to uhual and rented a trailer. Now gettin the car on the trailer thats gonna be your problem. I think all in all it cost me like 80 for the trailer for a day.
call my boss he tows and for the right price he will help ya out he lives in honey brook. ill pm you his number.
I am going to be a dick.
Dude if you can't figure that how what the hell do you plan on doing with a wrecked car? Seems you may not have the technical skills to handle whatever project.
What I can figure is he will pull the engine and parts.
I accidentally the SHIFT LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
The proper way of using the word seen. It is not I seen it that would be I saw it. He has seen the car is the right way to use the word. English class is Cool. By the way thats my sig