So anyone talked to tony aka whiskerbiscuit lately? Just wondering cause I was supposed to buy some type j stuff off him awhile ago but seems like he fell off the face of the earth.
He last posted on the 5th and that's all i know.

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
I was just wondering if he left here altogether or what. I haven't been able to get ahold of him in months, either through pm or txting him so was just wondering if anyone else heard from him
i talked to him just last week. ill give him a txt...
If you do, ask him if he still has those type j sides and rear bumper
talking to him now.... and asked the question for you...
I'm here, and still have the parts. I've got the pm's but didn't answer. Yeah i know I'm a bad person. Also, I haven't recieved texts from you at all. Last I heard you were trying to find someone to meet half way.
Anyway, use this thread and we'll figure it out. The parts are still yours if we can find a way to get 'em there.
Sorry bout the confusion.
tony you are a bad person, and you should feel like sh!t. now go cut yourself. thanks
Cut made, now stand back and enjoy my suffering.
Ryan you got the same number?
Sure do, Im on aim too at boredashell5807, better to get at me there cause im at home and no reception there, sucks living in a giant hole of a town