Hey guys - i'm looking for a mild drop and low spring rate. Comfort is the name of the game. Partial list of what i'm looking for: Eibach Pro-kit, Tein s-tech or h-tech, road magnets. What I absolutely do not want - Eibach Sportlines, B&G's, Goldlines, H&R's, ebay brands
If you have these or another spring that you want to sell let me know.
I'm very reasonable with prices - i'm not a cheap ass 
I've done a lot of research and i know what these brands are worth, so i wont refuse a reasonable offer for a good product. If nothing comes up here, i'm buying new i guess.
I will have a set of goldlines for you this week, i am changing my struts and springs tonight hopefully.
Mike Demo (Civic Eater) wrote:I will have a set of goldlines for you this week, i am changing my struts and springs tonight hopefully.
LOL i was hoping to avoid those particular springs because I heard they are kind of stiff. What are your thoughts?
they may be stiff but paired with konis or dspecs im sure you could adjust them to properly dampen.
oldskool wrote: Comfort is the name of the game. Partial list of what i'm looking for: Eibach Pro-kit, Tein s-tech or h-tech, road magnets. What I absolutely do not want - Eibach Sportlines, B&G's, Goldlines, H&R's, ebay brands
AWD GS wrote:they may be stiff but paired with konis or dspecs im sure you could adjust them to properly dampen.
I have koni yellows. So on the softest setting, goldlines might bounce a little (low damping therefore the sping ocillates more), and as the "firmness" on the strut is increased, the ride will become less bouncy and more stiff. How far you have to adjust to tune that bounciness out depends on the spring rate of the springs. Correct me if im wrong. This is why i'm looking for something with a lower spring rate (i.e. not sportlines lol)
On stock springs and koni yellows, on full soft, the ride quality is beautiful for a jbody, but it still feels controled at highway speed. Idealy it would have that plus a bit lower stance.
I just got rid of my prokit and AGX's this fall for $400...
Kinda wish I didn't tho.
i have my brand new d specs and road magnets. Didn't even do the first oil change yet on the car since I had suspension.. Under 3000 miles on struts and springs.
K. Vega..Mr. M62 L61 himself. wrote:i have my brand new d specs and road magnets. Didn't even do the first oil change yet on the car since I had suspension.. Under 3000 miles on struts and springs.
Are you willing ot part with just the springs? PM me
Still looking here, but I found Tein S-techs on Ebay for 181 shipped. I'd much rather give that money to a local forum member who wants to get rid of thier springs, but the auction ends 12mar2009.
hey oldskool if Vega wants to part out I'll take the d-specs.
Spalattero wrote:hey oldskool if Vega wants to part out I'll take the d-specs.
Sounds like a plan to me! Waddaya think Vega?
oldskool wrote:AWD GS wrote:they may be stiff but paired with konis or dspecs im sure you could adjust them to properly dampen.
I have koni yellows. So on the softest setting, goldlines might bounce a little (low damping therefore the sping ocillates more), and as the "firmness" on the strut is increased, the ride will become less bouncy and more stiff. How far you have to adjust to tune that bounciness out depends on the spring rate of the springs. Correct me if im wrong. This is why i'm looking for something with a lower spring rate (i.e. not sportlines lol)
On stock springs and koni yellows, on full soft, the ride quality is beautiful for a jbody, but it still feels controled at highway speed. Idealy it would have that plus a bit lower stance.
yes your pretty much right on with it but if with the sportlines being a bit firm, it may work out perfectly on the softest setting for konis where the spring doesnt ocillate as much because of the high spring rate. its really hard to say because ride quality is based off personal preference.
oldskool wrote:Still looking here, but I found Tein S-techs on Ebay for 181 shipped. I'd much rather give that money to a local forum member who wants to get rid of thier springs, but the auction ends 12mar2009.
becareful what you buy on ebay that is Tein. Tein has a ass load of knock-off springs being put on there. i believe if you check their website it goes into more detail.
Still looking for now - tien s-techs, h-techs, eibach pro kit, or road magnets...
i got pro kit if you wanna trade let me know
shoulda tried out the goldlines before you pulled them off the konis and sold them
good luck!
Furious 2.2 wrote:i got pro kit if you wanna trade let me know
Trade for stock+cash, because thats all i have right now - or i could buy mike demo's goldlines and trade you that for the pro kit
strat81 wrote:shoulda tried out the goldlines before you pulled them off the konis and sold them 
good luck!
Yea I was thinking that, but i read they were on the stiff side/high spring rate.
i would like the goldlines lol you got my number give me a call
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:22 PM
Furious 2.2 wrote:i would like the goldlines lol you got my number give me a call
Ok i may have goldlines to trade you straight up for an eibach pro-kit. Gotta wait till mike's back in town...
ok will do be best if we could do it somewhere that has a lift cause doin suspension on the ground blows lol
I don't mind it - with lowering springs we don't even need a spring compressor. We can do it at my house. I've become a pro at jbody suspension over the years lol. Get the whole thing done in an hour or so. I'll definately let you know.
kick ass its all you then cause it makes me angry when i work on the floor lol. im so used to a lift now
oh damn oldskool.. didn't know you had goldlines. would have bought them off you.
let me know if it falls through
Spalattero wrote:oh damn oldskool.. didn't know you had goldlines. would have bought them off you.
let me know if it falls through
Well i don't have them yet, I'm buying them off of Mike from connecticut next time he's in Reading, and i'm then trading them to Scott for his pro kit. I want a softer ride lol. I had a set a while ago (what Strat81 was referring to), but i sold them immediately. I guess i should have tried them out, but i read that the ride was very firm, which is not exactly what i want.
sweet lol whats the specs on the gold lines?
Furious 2.2 wrote:sweet lol whats the specs on the gold lines?
Goldlines are a 1.8" drop front and rear. From what I understand, they are on the firm side.