ok here's the deal. i now have a 00 cav. im going to put 03+ razzi sides and rear on it like i was going to do with my 96.
so here is the question i need answers to.
what 00-02 front bumper would match the 03+ razzi rear and sides?
all opinions welcome.
on the 96 i was going to use a Z front with the razzi sides and rear.
hmm. what to do what to do.......
go IF for the front that would look sexy
An 00-02 Razzi front (Dont see those very often, youll be pretty orignial) or a standard 00-02 front with the Type-W lip would be nice looking too.
And Import fighter front is for 95-99.
i was told by tabs in mid east to get the 00-02 razzi lip and put it on there. there is a 00-02 cav thats purple around here that has the razzi kit on it i just dont know if i like it. besides the fact the wrecked it and its busted and broken.
thank you tho