B/O on everything. Don't be afraid to throw me an offer, I just want this @!#$ gone. I can ship and I will charge only the actual shipping cost.
* 2.4 IDI cover that I quickly spray bombed and sanded in literally 4 minutes. The quality of the work is pretty @!#$ty but it's better than it was.
* 1997 2.4 Flywheel
Is under the IDI cover in the picture above ^^ I can take better ones if interested.
* 2.4 Power Steering Pump and Resevior
* 2.4 Water Pump
* 2002 2.4 Automatic ABS Engine Wiring Harness. I stole a couple of fuses from it so you would need to replace those.
* 1997 Isuzu Tranny Core. It has the 2.2 gears in the 2.4 bellhousing, 3rd gear syncro is going.
* 2.4 Lower Motor Mount Bracket
* 1997 2.4 Throttle Body with sensors
* 2002 2.4 Automatic Radiator
I can take pictures upon request, it's out back and it's dark out.
Whatever is still here in a week is going to the junkyard.
Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Hey this is Sergio asking about the power steering pump your selling. Would a twenty spot plus shipping do if you still have it.
That sounds good, PM sent with payment info.
Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
PSP sold, everything else is still available.
Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!