Anyone out there from the Elkhart, South Bend, Goshen area?
Keep watching, good things to come!
Yep maybe 1hr away from goshen and 30min from elkhart and live right down the road from south bend in Niles michigan
I'll be moving to South Bend on the 20th
I'll be around the area since i'm single... the cavalier is getting performance slowly. If u ever see a red cavalier 2dr with a fart can and apc on the front window thats meet hoping to have it turbo by end of augast.. hey if u guys roll out my way. look for a green 4dr sunfire,black & yellow 2dr civic,2dr cavalier,2dr black cavalier,grx1000 bike, a evo10,black sti,and not sure what else but that will be the Niles Michigan group. and we r friends so if u ever need anything or someone messes with you out there let us we mainly know everyone so we will set stuff straight...
yup maybe 20 mins from south bend i live in walkerton lol small po dunk town...
always workin on the under contruction sig i want just never works for me...
you're from Walkerton? no kidding
I'm from Knox, another small po-dunk town, but i'll be starting college soon, so i'll be making the move to South Bend. If you see a teal 97 with the hubcaps still on (the rims got damaged) with z24 side mouldings (never finished my project), that would be me.
Dont worry U will hear us coming down the road. If u see a black gsxr1000 doing wheelies around southbend area when yea move up here that will be my best friend ricky. and also if u see a red and white 929 bike that will be my other buddie gary. I will be out at the local meet spot the weekend u move up here. there will be my red cavalier,black and yellow civic,green sunfire, and hopefully my buddie shawn will being all his toys.
Hey I'll be in eklhart early friday night crusin so if any one wants to meet up then head out to the big meet out at big o tires later that night give me a holla I'm not sure if ill be in my cavalier or a black 04 mustang im gunna be driving for a couple months
im up there all the time cause i dj at a club called tippy dane hall
13.1 @ 115
I'm in La Porte, about 10-15 min from Walkerton, about 30 min from South Bend!
Hey if any of u wanna meet up friday night I'm gunna be out of work around 8 and then Ill be crusin around were ever so if anyone wants to meet and head out to the big meet with everyone out on 20 let me know.
chris james wrote:yup maybe 20 mins from south bend i live in walkerton lol small po dunk town...
I have kin in walkerton!!
niles/eddieburg, just about dead noots in the middle. My junks are in my profile
Hey if any of u guys want to come out to mc.kinley fri&sat night let me know.
Hey anyone gunna be out crusin tonight or sat???
you don't want my car out there lol, unless I bring my town car
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
LOL.. well if any of you guys happen to stop out at 20. look for a red cavalier with apc on front window that will be me.