Any color will do, as they will be getting painted. Must be good condition, and willing to travel 2 hours to pick up. Lemme know what you got!
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
Do you have any time to get a hold of me about getting these door panels pick up, and when I can get mine? Thanks... Not sure where you have been, but I've been leaving you messages like crazy on your cell.
I will call you when I get them, and give you your $100 for the shifter
It should be about a week, sorry for making you wait so long
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
LoL I don't mind waiting ever, but not hearing from you for so long I thought something happened to you. I even called David like where is the guy at. Thanks for that, and just get with me about when you are able to do that.