Anyone has one? 95-02. It doesn't matter if it's chipped/faded paint/whatever color. As long as the actual hood is in good condition.
I've got a red one with some paint damage.
Other than just paint damage, is there any damage to the hood, it will be repainted so no worries about the paint. Did it align correctly where the headlight meet the hood and fenders. If so, shoot me a price.
I can't be sure about the fitment, but I'm not aware of any physical damage to it. It came from a rear-end damage sunfire. I'll take a closer look tomorrow
Alright man, if you could take pictures it'd be awesome too.
GWPierce, located off of US-40 has a white one. i was in there friday afternoon. the fire was hit in the back, didnt see any damage in the front. no idea what they'd ask for it. call and see
I'll ask my dad to take a few pics and send them to me.
I have a black hood off an 02, its been in the garage for the past 3 yrs since I put on my invader hood, it has one small ding but could be popped out easily. It was a good fit when on the car, let me know if you are interested