I am getting ready to move from california to virginia. I am sure that emissions aint as bad as california but i am sure there are some restrictions. What am i allowed to do and stuff i cant do on my cavy? its a 2001 Z24 with 2.4L. No mods other than stereo system.
Depends if the car is in an emissions county i.e. Northern Virginia, then it is just as strict as Cali. Most states have modeled Ca's program, we even have smog cps now.
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Option D Racing
I am moving to gainesville virginia..which is in prince william county....i think. Hope that their emissions are not as strict. I have no problem with california emissions at this moment (still rollin stock) but i wanted to add a little kick in the engine like a total of 200 hp kick hehe
so long as you still have a cat and don't do anything that will make the car run run too rich you shouldn't have any problems even in NOVA.
99 Turbo Sunfire GT | Ram 2500 | International Rollback | Mr Hanky the Suburban
So just as long as its not runnin too rich, i could do whatever to it? could i turbo it? I am just lookin in the neighborhood of 200hp..maybe a little more.
most parts of VA dont really do a big emissions check... they check the exhaust for leaks and check to make sure a cat is there (of course you could gut out... and they would never know) ...
VA has a real pain in the ass yearly inspection... everything gets checked... unapproved lighting, window stickers, NON-DOT headlights/taillights/bulbs, bald tired, various parts of the suspension ...
my 93 cavy wont pass right now due to lights... i never cut out and rehooked up the license plate light assemblies after doing the skyline conversion... i dont have reverse, but since i eliminated the recepticals, its fine... my HIDs will fail, and my lack of front turnsignals (VA Requires two sets of turn signals 1 front, 1 side (either corner or side marker)) causes meto fail
up until recently. ... having shaved door handles would fail you too... but then they made the law that if you can enter the vehicle by touching it (button or pull string) it'll pass
i wanna get North Carolina tags ...
also the easiest ticket to get here in VA, no matter WHAT, is improper equipment...technically any exhaust that is not deemed stock for your specific vehicle is deemed illegal...so if you like running boost with restrictive stock exhaust, go ahead....lol
hey kyle, i dont think the 2 turn signals is for real. some cars dont have side marker lights...they only have the ones in the housings...therefore 1 bulb on each side...plus i dont have my bumper lights visible anymore and i pass...
Will: some places are slack on it... well most places are slack on it... just like stickers... technically... you should fail for your JR-Evolution decals ... but most places dont care if its not on the windshield.. the military had to fight state legistalture to allow DOD stickers in the lower driver side corner... up until last year, it was required to be top center or on the bumper.... inspection places were failing people left and right cause of the stickers being in the lower driver side corner..
Now Smog cops in VA are statewide. If you live in a non-emmissions county and a Smog Cop tags you must go to an emission station. My understanding is Richmond is trying to make Emissions statewide, but the farmer's bloc is holding them back for now.
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Option D Racing
ya ... theyve been trying to make emissions a state law... but its been shot down year after year... Hampton Roads is the largest section of VA (population wise) and all seven cities are against it...
i dunno about NOVA, Central VA, or SouthWestern VA is though
I found out on virginia's DMV website and they listed certain counties that have to do smog check. But i found out that if you came from certain states, you can bring your smog certificate from that state, to virginia and they will count it for 2 years worth of smog certification for the registration thing. My car gets smogged in cali in may. So it should be good for the virginia smog check. Do they have ban on certain parts? like in california everything thats directly bolted to or installed in the engine (all the way up to catalytic converter) has to be CARB approved. I hope i can just buy stuff like cams and the only thing i would have to worry about is the performance and not if its CARB approved.. hehe
i know people that have passed inspection with PVC piping for an intake... if that tells you anything....
I live in hampton and i drive a 17psi turbo ed cav with an exhaust that side exits with no cat no resonator and no muffler and i dont have a problem with tickets (nock on wood). or inspection.
hummm, interesting.. i dont plan on using pvc for an intake so i guess i would do just fine. I just wanna do simple stuff... like cams, intake, fuel delivery and exhaust. aside from lowering it and tossin some rims on it of course. Kinda got the stereo thing started, just tossed in there though, i plan on working on that too.. i have had my cavy for 4 years and havent done much to it... i need to get started on making it happen haha
truth of the matter it depends on what kinda mood the cop is in and how much "suspision" you otherwise draw. If you want to do it and its not stock, it's illegal. Just chance it until you get tired of paying pointless tickets. Most places around here don't even really do the smog check they only do the visual check.
It beats a Honda!
however... most cops dont make you pop your hood unless you are caught street racing... so cams and engine internals, as well as intakes and other Non Carb Except products are fine...
Sweetness, cant wait to start the modding
I just gotta get out of japan and back to the states before i can get started...lol
Too much car stuff is illegal in Virginia
Still not lowered...
that sounds better than california, they pull people over and use simple excuses like aftermarket tail lights, and that gives them probable cause to search your car, they will even take a measuring tape out and measure the distance your headlights are from the ground...
you can get mesaured here... altered suspension... but usually only when you are super low or if you are pulled for something else...
I dont plan on going too low, just a mild setup, i wanna fit 18's...maybe 19's if i am lucky. I think i will be able to officially start modding in july....presuming that i get a job when i move to virginia...hehe. cant do it now unfortunately, i am about 5000 miles and an ocean away from my car. All though i may get lucky enough to find parts over here that i could use.... lol
I live in hampton and i drive a 17psi turbo ed cav with an exhaust that side exits with no cat no resonator and no muffler and i dont have a problem with tickets (nock on wood). or inspection
Sounds like the state police aren't checking the inspection shops enough. VA state safety requires that I, fail you for missing emissions devices, muffler, and exhaust not exiting past the passenger cabin. Also many No Va counties have noise laws against straight pipes.
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Option D Racing
actually the cat was taken off after the inspection. and the car will pass with side exit exhaust because of the new mustangs. i have talked to two ppl who do inspections. and u are not required by inspection to have a muffler. by law yes these could get u in trouble but not in an inspection
Im a certified state inspector as well
1) now that you dont have a cat.. you'll fall... if you wanna run no cat... gut it and put the shell up... (you didnt get this advice from me)
2) You are not required to have a muffler, but the pipe must clear the vehicle (whether its on the side or rear), and if you must have two emission control devices (one has to be the cat... the other can be either a glass pack(AKA resinator, and cherry bomb), or muffler
3) Just cause a muffler passes inspection doesnt mean you wont get a ticket for it... the police have three exhaust tickets...
--1) Altered Exhaust
--2) Illegal Exhaust
--3) Defective Exhaust
and they use those interchangably to help exhaust tickets not get dropped in court...
on a slightly different subject... i was glad when VA passed the rule that a car will pass inspection with shaved door handles as long as you can enter the vehicle by touching it....