Who went?
I thought it was a fantastic turn out this year. There were a lot more vehicles this year than last.
I didn't get any pictures, but I'd love to see the ones everyone else got!
How did you all think it was? Have any pictures you'd like to share?
A big congratulations to Zach Hilton (ky_cavvie) who brought home 1st in the J-body class!!!
How did the rest of the judging go?
Jacob & I were there and it sure was a blast. Aaron (Phlatcav) got 3rd place (I think it was) in the jbody mild class but Michelle (Clipzed Z24) was supposed to be in jbody wild and they never called that class, so I don't know what's up with that. Jacob & I got 2nd place in the under construction class.
The 2nd gen cav that had the dragon painted on it got 2nd place in the jbody class. He was staying in the room beside us at our hotel.
I've got about 130 some pictures and a lot of vids, but I've got dial up.

So I'll have to work on getting them uploaded tomorrow.
Congrats to everyone that placed and I thought that everyone's j that I saw from the org looked great!
It was great hanging out with some org people! We must have missed a couple of people somehow, tho. Samantha & Starr, did you all have your cavaliers? Cause I never saw them.
Both of our cars were there, but not in the show, mine was in the Food City parking lot the whole day. I was gonna come over and speak to ya, but I could never catch you by your car lol. Hopefully next year the car will be up for some showing. Yours was lookin good!

Still not lowered...
Man, I even walked through the parking lot and look some pics of some other cavs, but I didn't see yours. Yeah, we sat by the cars for a short while, but we mainly walked around to check everything out. Jacob is sitting there in front of my car in your pic, so I was probably somewhere close by.
We'll be there next year, so I hope to meet ya then!
Congrats to Crystal on best u/c again this year, as well as Aaron on placing as well. First really was a surprise for me especially with how they went all through my car witha fine toothed comb.
Crystal, I saw your car Sunday morning heading towards Mickey D's when my buddy and I were coming back from ripping up the mountain roads.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Thanks, Zach. Your car looked awesome and the interior was even better. You're moving right along with your car!! Congrats on the first!
Yeah, we saw you Sunday morning and waved, but we didn't know if you saw us wave or not.
Oh, and I got 2nd this year, which is still great, considering the amount of under construction rides there this year!

I know that we had a great time and now we're just looking forward to Freak Show.
I will probably make a post in P&M w/some of my pics once I get them uploaded (hopefully in this century!)
Haha that'll work. I thought you took first. Thats what happens when you got a bunch of babies crying around your ears, you can hardly hear squat.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Yeah, there were freakin' babies EVERYWHERE! I was trying to video some of the burn outs and dragging friday night in town and I got this little girls' pony tail in almost every clip. And then from behind me, there was this little boy on one of those leashes and must've liked me cause he kept touching me (his mom & aunt...I think I know their entire life story....just kept saying that he was trying to pick up chicks and wouldn't stop him).
Sometimes I love kids and sometimes I SOOOOOOOOOOooooo happy that I don't have any of my own to deal with. haha
Crystal(CrazyCavGirl) OR Jacob wrote:Man, I even walked through the parking lot and look some pics of some other cavs, but I didn't see yours. Yeah, we sat by the cars for a short while, but we mainly walked around to check everything out. Jacob is sitting there in front of my car in your pic, so I was probably somewhere close by. 
We'll be there next year, so I hope to meet ya then!
I saw you right before I took that picture and got occupied and lost you..lol You'll definetly see me there next year, me and a hopefully finished cavalier. lol Btw, I love that hood, I had my doubts about it til I saw it in person but it's really awesome.

Still not lowered...