I have for sale:
-One gallon of Dupont Chroma automotive paint in Boyd Coddington red (one of the richest reds on the market right now imo)-- $B/O
-One Gallon of Dupont Nason Absolutely Super Red (Lexus color) -$100
-Sparco locking gas door-- chrome- $80 shipped
-2 Viair white face illuminated dual needle air ride gauges (currently on ebay)
2000^ headlights
2000^ corner lights (preferably clear)
2000^ headlight brackets and wiring
1995 to w/e year-- driver and passenger side fenders
Import Fighter front
Import Fighter sides
Aerogear Predator Hood
If you have front end parts for sale, let me know. I may be willing to settle. I'm currently in the process of fixing THIS---
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Sam I am sorry bout not getting back to you on the paint. How much would you take on that first red?
my bro said he might be interested in the reds also.......got any pic of what the first red looks like on a car?
-----I'm such a NEWB!-----
I have a set of 2000 stock corners, and a 2000 ultra silver metalic driver side fender
what front end parts do you need i have a car here that im junking pm me a list of eveything you need
Damn I need a white Z front end too!
I want to make the 95 a full Z again someday.
i have a set of 2000 headlights no mouning brackts tho
Sponsored By: Pro Trucks
Work Being Done By: creative customs
Stuff for Sell:
I have a set of stock 2000 corners too
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Jeremy (Redcavi98) wrote:Sam I am sorry bout not getting back to you on the paint. How much would you take on that first red?
I would like to get around $250 for the first gallon since I paid $400+ for it.
I thought u had forgotten about me....lol.... =).
If you still want the other one though, I could have it shipped out through DHL asap. I don't know when I will have time to be in Lexington again. I stay so busy anymore...
FireStarter wrote:my bro said he might be interested in the reds also.......got any pic of what the first red looks like on a car?
I'm sorry. I couldn't find any pictures of Boyd Coddington red on a car online. I know on that show... American Hotrod? (I don't know-- my b/f watches these shows... not me) Boyd did an older corvette in the color. I can't find any pictures of that car either though.
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Hey sam save the other one that you are selling for a hundred and I will try to get it to you next week or so My car is getting closer to being painted.
i have a hood off my 96 z in red with light rust in the front from a bra ill give it to you for free just pick it up