I was just curious to see who all is going to carlise this year....i didn't go last year bc my car wasen't done but i'm definatly going to be there.....
I will be there 20 min from my house
i went last year, and gonne try and make it again. ^^^i seen you there Brad. hot ass ride!!
RIP Kasey Burleson, and get well soon Chris Shelly
what is Carlise? well...i mean...where?
never fast enough.
eazy thanks make sure u intorduce urself to me i am a big guy so u cant miss me. and for where it is south central pennsylvania it is a huge show so u knwo prob 2,500 cars
Is this the Hershey show. If my car was show worthy i would be there. My freind has some oldis we missed it last year maybe we can least show them this year. I am talking about the goodguys show.
Another day in the life of a J-body Owner has come upon us
whats up guys ya i will be there again i was there last year i had the green turbo cavy with the buddy club 2 body kit if you saw it there i was with the group revtec brad definitly saw your car there badass ride man! and eazy dont know if i saw u for sure or not cant wait to c all the js again and hopefully meet some of the people that own them! well worth the drive real good show!
hmmm maybe i should try and come out even though my car is kinda poopy. but i dont care!!!
simple minds talk about other people.
average minds talk about events.
great minds discuss ideas
When is it this year? I haven't been to it in like 5 years lol
mike you should def go ur car looked good last year with the lambos and air ride we talked to each other a few different times a couple times at summit! this was one of the best shows i went to actually the best other then nopi so i think every1 should try in go not sure on when it is again!
I think its the first week of may? www.carsatcarlisle.com is the website....i'm hoping that my car will be done enough to be inside this year......i'll post some sneak peaks once its painted in a couple weeks....
just wanted to let every one no that u must register onlien there will be no registration at the show and the amount of trophys are goign to be based on how many people register for each class so lets have some huge j-body classes.
also i think it would be cool to get all of us on the org together at soem point for a picture if not all the j-bodys there. let me know what u all think of that.
that would def be cool brad to get everyone together and get a picture of all of the js there!
Yea thats a good idea.....I'm from fairmont/morgantown area ....Is there anyone going from around here ?
if my cars painted and running good i'm def there its by far the best show i have been to