just wanted to know if their are any J's in the louisville area, I live outside of Fort Knox. i've been noticing a lot of J's startin to surface in my town. If their are any should think about meeting up or something.
lots...do a search on here, for 'em, and also check out jbok.org
Yup check us out on JBOK.org

. You are more than welcome there, I like in louisville as do many of us in JBOK.
JBOK.org is where you need to be

I don't live in the Louisville area but you are not alone in KY

JBOK.org & Insane-Customs.com
Oh yeah, certainly not alone. There are a lot of us!

J-body of Kentucky
cool, thanks i didn't even know there was a JBOK now that i know i wish i'd be able to see some of the other J's. i've only seen like five hooked up ones in my area an when i go to louisville i don't see anything but rice cakes.
jbok is a good site.. i am from near lexington ky so theres plenty of us here..
I'm not from Louisville or Lexington-- I'm a little farther east-- like the eastern tip of Ky. I am down that way a lot though (I live about 3 or so hours away).

Proud member of
im in louisville, the j population just keeps on growing and growing over on my side of town. now if i can just tell some of those people about jbok.

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