i was planning on painting my interior sometime soon
my parents wont let me paint my pieces so i am planning on going to a junk yard to try and find some good interior pieces if i can is this the process:
1.remove and clean panels really well
2.sand with a fine grain sand paper
3. use the plastic sticking stuff that helps paint stick to plastic its at autozone i dont know the name exactly
4.paint the pieces with two or three coats of paint thne clear coat if you want to
make sure you primer it first before painting
Yup Krylon Fusion is awesome.
link to interior FAQ in sig
and you're looking for "adhesion promoter"
I've never used it, but people seem to swear by it. I find that cleaning, sanding, and priming gets the job done.
Interior FAQ -
J-Body of Michigan -
bulldog is a good adhesive
no need for primer with krylon fusion, unless you need the primer to help smooth it out.
Personally I'd sand with rough then work into finer to lose some of the texture. Oh, and building up the clearcoat and wetsanding with 2000 grit, then buffing it back with a polish does wonders on rattle can painted interiors. Not that I recomment painting your interior to begin with, but each to his own.