Anyone going to be in that area on the 27th of Nov? I'm goin down there to see Cartel/Hey Monday (again) seein if anyone feels like joining me!! It's 15bucks a ticket..I'm surprising my sister with it, because she really wanted to see them the last time I went (when they were in KY) me another chance to flirt with Taylor Jardine
what part of ft lauderdale???
i found it, is around oakland park.
Yeah, sorry..didnt know the exact area
c'mon..only 20 bucks for a ticket
and you get to hang out with my fun ass!
the 23rd, late evening. I'm drivin all day again.
Leaving 5am, gettin to Tampa by 10pm
Someone buy my tickets
$35 for both! I was in a wreck and cant make it down
I'd love you forever
damn sucks I wont be deriving don til the week after the show
c'mon..someone must wanna see 5 really cool bands!