checking interest on getting a j meet, club, whatever may come going in charlotte area. theres already a small meet up on franklin in gastonia at the petro by the movies. 90% honda and poor me trying to hold it down for the domestics. lotta fast cars though. no cops! im trying to increase the j scene round here. if u wanna ride out you can pm me here for directions.
im not familiar with the gastonia area. where on franklyn is this place?
If its the gas station I'm thinkin about, its at Franklin Square, where Wal-mart, Best Buy, Kohls, and all that is. Right across the street from Shlotzky's Deli...
^ yup that's the one he's talking about.
I'm assuming.
across the street from scholtzsky's and hooters.
meet at the gas station?? im surprised they havnt run yall off yet. its been a little while since ive been down that way
How about something in the University area?

I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.
the university area is a big NO. the cops hav that area on lock. i live in the university area and i wouldnt dare try to set something up around here. but yeah im interested in the gastonia thing
I live here too which is why I want to do it here, just don't feel like driving to Gastonia. We could head to Concord Mills or maybe Quaker Steak.

I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.
I'd be up for concord mills one day.
go-carts FTW!
yay 5 J's there are two around my house I have to track down that are pretty nice looking.
Well I'm in a Cobalt now but hey, it's still a slow GM economy car so I'll fit in just fine

How about Saturday? I know it's short notice but I haven't been to a car meet in a long ass time.

I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.
saturday morning maybe? quaker shake? sounds good to me. pm me and let me kno. iw ill see if i can get a few more of us to go.
yeah you should have been on our website we have had a few meets that are low in cost but have been a lot of fun. right now our average turn out is 10 to 20 cars. I don't know if I can do Sat morning. Let me know what you guys decide.
prowler, cfcav: pm and let me kno whats up. im down for a meet up saturday morning
im not sure how much in the 'morning' you guys are talking about lol, but im probly free most of the day
I'm with prowler, I'm down for Saturday but what do we mean by "morning"? What about noon at Quaker Steak? I meant to go to a Street Visions meet last year but something came up and I couldn't make it.

I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.
Red what time do you have to work? Looks like you're the only one wanting to do it in the morning.
lol mornings do pose problems esp if you have to change the brakes on your wife's pos jetta
I just got off the phone with red, and he said he has to work at 3pm
I might be able to make it down to concord tomorrow.
thats fine. me and clc should get there about the same time. and apparently 04cavcf should be there about 12:30