Does anyone know of any shops in the Atlanta metro area that may have HPTuners? Or, can someone loan me HPTuners so that i can use it once later on? im only going to use it to re-tune for a turbo setup, and that'll be it. I dont see the reason to waste $500 extra if im only going to use it one time.
Im trying to get together a turbo, and i dont need HPT right away, but when i do need to tune, id like to be able to get my hands on it.
Email me at, if you have HPT and would let me use it or something like that.
Or, some reputable tuning shops would be good too
Well from experience. You don't just tune once. Tuning is a ongoing thing.
FU Tuning
batlground is very reputable, but i dont think they have hpt.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
i'm pretty sure batlground doesn't have HPT.
the only person i know of that has/had HPT in GA, fell of the earth a long time ago.
i actually had the program at one point on my old laptop, but it's long gone now.
i suggest buying it. 'cause like john said, tuning requires multiple revisits of tuning
_______________________________________________________ Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002
AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
dang, okay. I was just hoping that i could save a few dollars if i didnt have to buy HPT....also, i dont know how to tune....