ok guys heres the deal, my sponsorship with Aerogear is up and i want to change my car back to a sleeper / more stock look, therefor im selling my Aerogear Aero X-treme body kit, it was the first off the line and is a great kit, its fiberglass and has a few minor cracks that go wiht being on a car that is driven alot and they can be fixed with no problem. there are very few jbodys out there wiht this kit and i hate to part with it but im ready for change. i want to go with more of a JDM look. so here it is... ill sell it for $700 OBO, i can get pics of any of the cracks if you want so you can see there not that bad and can be fixed very easily. also im looking to sell my hood or trade it for a c/f hood, depending on the c/f hood i may want the hood adn money. if you want to buy the hood outright i will need a stock hood, the hood is an RKsport 98+ ss ram air style hood and is some of the best fiverglass work ive ever seen... i can take pics of jsut how good the quality is on this hood if wanted. ill sell the hood for $600 with no hood to go with it or $475 with stock hood(preferably white) or ill trade it for a c/f hood depending on the style of the hood.
i also need a stock rear z24 rear bumper, preferably white in color. i will pay for that if anyone has one let me know.
thanks for reading
i know this should be in the classifieds but i want to sell localy and if i put it in there ill get emails form canadiens as usual.
Casey I have a z24 rear and side skirts I can give you dirt cheap but they are red
I also have rear bumper.....
how much for the blonde??
I will try and hunt down some guys here in my town w/ cavys...theres at least 4 of them that I could maybe talk them into it....I'll see what I can do for ya..
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
ok i want to sell this stuff.... so im droping prices
body kit is down to $600 obo.... ($100 drop)
hood is down to $525 with no hood to give me ($75 lower)
$425 with a stock hood preferably white ($50 lower)
and of course ill trade with a c/f hood maybe strait up depending on the hood.
please if these prices are to high make offers... i jsut want to change stuff.....
AEROGEARZ24 wrote:. there are very few jbodys out there wiTH this kit and i hate to part with it but im ready for change.
True, but its not the best looking kit kind of a bomex knock off but all of Aerogear stuff looks Funny to me. i know that they are tring to stand out but SOME of the stuff they produce is just crap or some type of knock off.IM talking about apperence not quality.
this kit looks nothing like a bomex... AT ALL!!!! see it in person and you will see it dosent look like a bomex