Sup all Hey i Hve a bran new eco header for cav or fire 02 and up For $200
let me know if any one wants it!!!
fords suck ( Found On Road Dead )
Knight rider Lives
your finnaly going turbo?
cool...i want one..j/k too much down time for me
Norbert you may have wanted to mention that is for the Eco, 02 had three different motors and the Eco came late in the year.
mmmm...cold meds are doin bad things to me i guess, cause i know i read that.
no no turbo just need to get rid of it im not going to use it so first come gets it
fords suck ( Found On Road Dead )
Knight rider Lives
weren't you getting turbo last february? 04?
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
what kind of header may help also --- stock?