hey guys im looking for a divers side fender for my 2002 cavalier colour is not an issue, only condition if youve got one for sale pm me thanks
im pretty sure that the 1998 fender would fit and i do have one nut its blue 50 bucks and its yours let me know
95 and up fits all the same I believe.
I have two fenders for sale in white, they do have some small dents in them though
thanks anyway but i found one at the u pick about a week ago good shape but it had a stupid side marker hole in it....lucky the moron put it right where the Z badge goes.....problem solved didnt even need to paint, any pointers on getting it perfectly lined up would be good though ?
95-99 only fit these years 00-05 fit these years the 95-99 has the corner lens bracket built it the fender .
95-99 fenders can be modded to fit the 00-05 cars
just cut the bracket off