I live in the GTA area and im on the 404/401/400 a lot, and quite frankly I dont like to go the speed limit...not saying i do like 170+ all the time but i do tend to go over the limit a little bit.
I heard that american cars are immune to ontarios speeding laws? is this true?
i hold an ontario drivers license but my cars plates are vermont
If they radar you speedking they will nab you
Are you living in Ontario now? You only have so long to switch it over
why the hell would you be immune to speeding laws? are the speed limit signs in a different language or something?

1997 Cavalier Z24 - 15.647 @ 88.02 MPH
Frankly, I'm amazed that such a retarded question came from a person who used and spelled the word "immune" correctly.
If I can safely use grammar as a guideline for the intelligence of the OP, I can only assume this thread was the result of a sudden outflow of sarcasm, or a surplus of free time.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
Yes of course you are. Feel free to speed all you want. Trust me, the only thing they will do is watch you drive by.
Just make sure you are doing more then 50km over the limit when you pass them. If it looks like they are coming after you, just keep going. As they must just want to clear the way for you.
If I am not mistaken, you are immune to parking tickets, just not in a tow away zone. Don't try handicapped parking either.

at this thread...
2002 Pontiac Sunfire GT - Supercharged
as far as i know travelers from outside the province could only possibly be immune to laws that arent posted or common knowledge or know to you from where you are from.
for example, a parking by-law that is not posted like parking on a certain side of the road at a certain time. problem is, alot of towns and cities take care of this by posting them in local papers and on "city entrance" signs, like "welcome to toronto, population x, xxx, xxx". alot of times those signs have the by-laws for parking times and @!#$ posted on them. you never read them, but it covers the city.

1997 Cavalier Z24 - 15.647 @ 88.02 MPH
omg i just laughed so hard at this thread
yes your immune to speeding and all Canadians live in igloos right lmfao
wtf.......how do people this dumb survive day to day
LOL ya i read in another topic, some guy said it...not my original question.
but ya, i know im not immune cuz a cop already pulled me.
however i know im somewhat immune to parking tickets because i got one...however looks like canadian cops think vermont is VA not VT rofl
oh and btw...i just realized how stupid the post was, 12hr shifts make you temporarily stupid, im actually intelligent i promise
temporarily? i dunno... and you have 6 days I believe from the time you take up new residence to notify the gov. of your address change and register for new plates if its from out of province/country.
i should probably mention that the car is only here during the summer, not planning to drive it during the winter, so it's going back to vermont where my parents are so no need to get new plates.
Chris Carr wrote:temporarily? i dunno... and you have 6 days I believe from the time you take up new residence to notify the gov. of your address change and register for new plates if its from out of province/country.
actually you have 90 days
You can get a fine, but you just don't get points taken off unless you live in MI, NY, ONT, or QC those few states and provinces are connected that way.