could any1 tell me how much it will caost for a new used or reconditioned head for a 97 z24 with a 2.4 and a timing chain set and water pump and were it is best to get it from
i just payed 118.00 with tax for my water pump at parts source new....don't buy the rebuilt either way, saving a couple bucks ain't worth the hassle, what's wrong with your head? Why not just get your head redone?
"If you have no clue what's going on... STFU!"
What kind of water pump you buy at Parts Source? I would recommend getting the Delco pump
parts man in oshawa has the chain set for 190 and pump for 60 i had to show my mechanic licence papers to get the discount and im not sure if i have a cracked head or it is the water pump leaking havent had time to get to it