Has anyone ever gone to the court to fight parking tickets??
I got a ticket recently for stopping in a no stopping zone, with my hazard lights flashing....
Just wondering if they are like traffic tickets? if the cop who issued the tickets don't show up so I win?
Anybody who went to court for these before?? any chance of getting it reduced or even canceled??
Thanks for all the help guys..
Quem e mais sentimental que eu???
K, the sign said no stopping, and you stopped.
14.330 @ 96.37mph
Should have drove off as soon as you saw the cop.
did you whine like a little b1tch in school if you got detention too? jeez...
^^^Hardly whining he's just askin for advice.
Don't think you got any grounds there bud, how much was the ticket for? Isn't it slightly reduced if you pay within the first 10 days or something like that?
My Cardomain Durham Region J-bodies
dont think you can really fight a parking ticket...plus they are usually like 35 bucks so its really not worth it.
you can usually get them reduced or something, depending on the situation. ive had tickets reduced and even dismissed, but you dont usually have to go thorugh court with them to do so.
-parking ticket in high school for not displaying parking pass.
i went to go pay it and showed them my pass, they reduced the fine to 15 from 35.
- same deal as above, not displaying pass.
i noticed he took down my plate number wrong, so it got tossed out.
- no parking on yonge street in aurora when i went into a store.
the time the officer had written down was correct, but he circled AM instead of PM. i even had my reciet to prove when i was there. ticket got ripped up.
you can beat a parking ticket, but you have to pay attention to the ticket and such. was your car in park or turned off? then you might be able to beat it on account of you technically being parked on the side of the road, not stopped.
definition of parked
see what you can do, but its nothing i would go and contact x-copper for lol
1997 RedR - ZedR
They changed the laws about 6 months ago, an Officer has 6 months after the court date to append any miswritten information.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"