Just a question, suffice it to say I had a minor accident and rear ended someone (under 20kph = no damage to my car

) but I dented their rear bumper. Anyway, it was deicded to not go through insurance and I would pay for the cost of the repair. So the other driver is providing me with 3 quotes for repairs. My question is this: do you automatically pay the lowest repair estimate? I'm really not sure what to do in this regard.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
In all honestly, in this case you pretty much just pay whatever the repair costs. It sounds like they're being nice to you by getting multiple estimates, but if they choose to go with the most expensive one, there's not much you can do about it.
They're already doing you a favour by keeping it out of insurance.
Are the estimates very far apart from one another?
Yeah, thats very true.
So far she provided me with 2 estimates there are about $100 apart ($535 & $658) and she will be providing me with a 3rd shortly. I am surprised at the cost. I was actually expecting more.
With that being the case, I'd have her sign a paper saying she's been compensated in full for the repairs and that no insurance claim has been or will be made.
Give her $700 and tell her to get a rental while the repairs are done. Wish her well, and let everyone walk away happy.
Sounds like a plan. Thank you for the advice.
No problem. I've been on both sides of this sort of thing in the past and as long as everyone is understanding and working toward the common good, all should work out well.
One last thing, I jsut got an email from her:
"I have some concerns that we should discuss. Today is the deadline for
reporting the accident, and I am uncertain of the ramifications should I
develop any physical problems as a result. "
Admittedly I'm not too sure what damage I may have caused her by the accident since it was under 20kph...who knows. I don't want this thing blowing up in my face and be taken to court for some injury that could have been caused by the accident.
I tried calling her but she is out. how does one deal with this, especially if she has just gone to report the accident?? Does that mean I've "fled" the scene and I'm going to get penalized for that? Just when things seemed to be working out....sigh.
Again any advice/help is appreciated.
"I have some concerns that we should discuss. Today is the deadline for
reporting the accident, and I am uncertain of the ramifications should I
develop any physical problems as a result. "
id suggest to her that in that case the accident should be reported to her insurance company. its passable that later on down the road she may try and get money from you for the "injurys". seeing as you only damaged her bumper cover id say she is fine, but you never know.
my thought is that she is hoping you will offer her more money, id bet her deductible is $1000 maybe $500 so she won't call her insurance company.
I tried calling her but she is out. how does one deal with this, especially if she has just gone to report the accident?? Does that mean I've "fled" the scene and I'm going to get penalized for that? Just when things seemed to be working out....sigh.
you both agreed that the repairs would be paid by you, im assuming you both exchanged info. so you did not leave the scene. fleeing the scene would be hitting her car and taking off. there where no injurys and the damage is less then $1000 so you are not required to call the police.
on a side note, id suggest going to the collision reporting center anyway just to cover your bases. they don't report anything to your insurance company, there's just a report on the accident.
With that being the case, I'd have her sign a paper saying she's been compensated in full for the repairs and that no insurance claim has been or will be made.
Give her $700 and tell her to get a rental while the repairs are done. Wish her well, and let everyone walk away happy.
i agree with Wild Weasel, this is the best suggestion. you can also ask her which body shop she perfers and pay that quote.
How could she be compensated for her injuries? Insurance only compensates if you have missed a week or more of work. My mother was rear ended (at about 65km an hour) a few years back and missed 2 days of work and wasn't compensated, I suspect she is just scared your gonna screw her and just wants to be sure.
My Cardomain Durham Region J-bodies
Welcome to the world of personal injury lawsuit. Sounds like she has either really started feeling the effects of some whiplash and is concerned or she has been given some advise on potentially seeking damages by a wise friend or worse a lawyer.
This is a long process if she pursues it and has some hoops to jump thru if she can prove significant long term injuries as a result of this "fender bender". Sounds like an opportunist to me but I would be careful about trying to dodge the insurance companies if she starts the process
As mentioned, there's nothing at all wrong with going to the collision reporting center and putting it all down on paper. Let her know that if she wants to do so, then you'll go as well.
They don't report it to insurance. They just take an account of what happened. Just make sure that if she goes, then you go as well so they have both people's version of the events and the cops have a chance to look at your car and assess damage.
There's no worries about leaving the scene. Again, with less than $1000 in damage and no injuries, you did exactly what you're supposed to which is to stop and exchange information. Then you're supposed to go to the collision reporting center, but that has nothing to do with "fleeing the scene" or any such thing.
What's your impression from her? Do you think she's trying to screw you over or trying to get something for nothing? I wonder if maybe she's just now feeling a bit sore and trying to cover her ass in case she really is in trouble.
I really can't advise you on that one though. I just don't know what the process would be for her to get compensation after the fact. How old is she?
After speaking with her last night she clarified her statement. She was worried about an injury popping up later down the road and wanted to report the accident just as "proof" in the event of an injury. After we spoke I went to the reporting centre (did that last night) and filed my report. She is going this morning.
I also spoke to my sisters b/f who works for TD's insurance company and got some info from him. I feel pretty good about what he said (can't quite remember what he said right now though, but i recall feeling positive after the conversation with him)
We still are going to not go through insurance and she did agree to sign a waiver once I paid for the damages. She doesn't seem to be trying to screw me over, which is good.
Thanks for all the advice/info everyone. Much appreciated!
Have a good one today