anyone know of a place in the gta that will remove old tint and apply a new one for only the rear window at a decent price? or possibly a trick that will help with the bubbling corners?
"Would you drop it already?!? I mean your car..."
well there was a guy on (u should check out that site) come to out to our local meets on tuesdays!! well he said "Stripping tint is alot easier then expected. All you need is a jug of ammonia, rags, a razor blade, a bottle of windex and the ability to hold your breath for a few minutes..."
hope that helps bro!! umm i donno where in the GTA u live but check out tint king, they did my tint, very resionable
I got my tint removed on my back window a few years back.
All the guy did was spray windex on it from the inside of the car, and tape black garbage bags on the window from the inside of the car and left it in the sun for about 30 minutes. Then it peeled off like nothing.