ok guys i need a custome carpet made, not for me but my boys infinfty j30, need it in electrice green or white you guys know anyone who can make one for me for cheap, pls let me know thanks, also any links on a red carpet for a "J" let me know i will need a carpet soon too
me to I need to find a black one.

Have you tried upholstry paint on a carpet from a grey or tan coloured cavy ? it would save you a good amount of $$$ over a custom carpet.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
well the thing is it is more for my friend, and his j30 i have seen some premolded one for us for like $300-$400 but his carpet we cant find aftermarket, and fromdealer is $1000 shipped rfom japan
ohh sorry, i meant tear it out of a j30** if you can find one in a lighter colour it should be pretty easy to spray***
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
prob it to die or spray u need a very light or basicall whit to get an even colour
is it possible to bleach a carpet ? such as a lighter colour ? That could work.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
i thought about that but my mom said bleach is not very consisteant then when you die it back there will be spots,
Bleach will eat away at the carpet and it will fall apart