Sometimes I feel that I am being punished, sorry to have to rant but I got to vent. Let me know if you've ever had this bad of a month. 3 out of four shocks decided to blow up, kind of a blessing in disguise cause this allowed to get my car lowered, looks awesome. But now the fun part, brand new power window motor, doesn't work anymore
hole in a coolant hose, no more fluids
seagulls using my car as a public washroom, WTF
somehow a bottle managed to get in my way, flat tire
gilrfriend just got her license, so i let her drive, she came too close to the curb, passenger side rims are all gauged and need to be repainted
I'm a manager at a grocery store, so it had to happen sooner or later, a full shopping cart hits my passenger side door now it is all dented and scratched
and today, my clutch is starting to give way
When will all the trauma end?
Some of those are fluke acciedents man.
Letting your gf drive? Thats just insane. I don't even let my parents drive my car.
Seagulls, it will happen no matter what.
Flat tire, fluke accident.
Window motor, probally a lose wire/connection
Shocks blowing? You said it was a blessing.
Just keep your head up, things will look good.
Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
I find a pint of beer can help
Bad things tend to happen all at once. In September I had 3 tire problems. 1st a nail drivers rear (1 double plug). 2nd a screw passenger rear (1 single plug). Lastly broken belt in sidewall (not reparable tire now junk found a used tire cheap). All this when I just bought my set of snow tires. So long story short ended up spending about $45 bucks on tires that were being junked in less than 2 months. But I guess that's life.
Driving a busted-up 03 cavy (damn black ice 3yrs ago!!)
Got a front bumper last year, just too lazy to paint it, and put it on
My (Original)90 Z24 is now being retired
Way too much rust
Maybe it will become a V8 or something very wrong (4x4)
Picked up another 90 z24 from the west coast no rust!
But a rod bearing is spun. I got a motor, just need time!
Man do I ever miss my 3.1 V6
It's good to see I'm not alone. But to comment on the seagull situation, I know they do what they have to, and hey sometimes a car gets in the way, but do they have to land on my car, do their business and then fly away. In the past month that has happenned 4 times. I go out to have a cigarette during my breaks at work and have found birds sitting on my car, dropping a load then flying away. WHY I ask WHY?????
ya it happens, but none of those sound bad, no one died, no one got hurt, its just a car.. 'The Place To Tune Your Domestic'
I feel for you, heres a list of my's big.
2nd and 3rd went, new tranny, spec clutch, and flyweel $2500
9 month old 10,000 motor goes boom in goes junkyard motor $ 1400
New relese bareing goes boom takes new spec clutch with it $ 2000
Junkyard motor goes lean and takes out 2 week old high flow cat $ 260
And the top end of the motor is cooked $ warrantie thank God
Things that havent been fixed.
kicked in trunk
hocky stick dents all over
crack windshield
everyone needs some trees or something, bad @!#$ happen man, dont let your problems get you down always stay focused and hold you ground tyhat is from a regga song, any how dude everythink can be forgiven, and look at it thisway about your girlfriend, now she will never ask to drive again you and you can hold that over for for a long time
that is harsh ?
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"