brand new.. never opened.
going to the highest bidder.. common!! 7 channel remote, 2 40lb selenoids, all wires, and 2 door popers. eveyrhing brand new.
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oh its SPAL brand
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I think they are located in windsor, There customer srevice sucks I've emailed them after they have replyed to my post on here, and no reply.
Yes I am from windsor.
solid_archer - sorry were really busy we are still replying to the emails that were sent in the past few days.
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" target="_blank">
how much u lookin to get for the kit?

<b>Coming Soon!</b>
White boy , if it was in the last few days thats cool, but one was before christmas, it was about fender flares, another was about how you could get me my rims from the U.S. and only charge 8%.
oh sorry man.. we must of been really busy like we always are, especialy after we came out with the clear lenses weve been getting TONS of emails about headlights and its just been crazy.
as for the DOOR poper kit, i want to get the canuck motorsports springs with the $, so a trade would be good or enough to buy them.
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