Just wondering what everyone is curently paying for insurance for the whole year. I have a 2002 2door Ecotec and I pay $5100 for the year. they also know about all my mods which are also insured.
Am I getting ripped off or is that about right? well let me know what you guys are paying, and for what car exactly.
I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
sounds good to me...
***Thanks again to stargrrrl***
i pay about $1680, $140/mo for my 2002 SFGT
then again... i have been living in Woodstock for 2 years now
when i move back to Toronto i'm sure that my insurance will double
I was insured in Toronto for about 5 years with a '99 Z24. It was costing me about $140/month. Now in Hamiton and it only went down something like $10/month.
I'm in mississauga and pay $180/mnth for a 03' 2 dr GT sunfire and with full coverage and I'm only 21, the catch.......under my moms name
. But seriously people anything over $2000/yr for insurance is a huge @!#$ waste of money.
I think i pay roughly 180 a month for my 2001 Z24 auto but thats because its under my dads name, also that money covers insurance on the other car. Also thats only one way or non-comprehensive (no coverage for fire, theft, etc), i'm 19.
Has anyone looked into the other companies such as Geico or Presidents Choice?
i pay about 5500 fully insured on an 04 sunfire 2 door i think its a little high lol
I pay $420/mth. 98 Z24 5spd. Two 20 over tickects. Got rear ended on the 401.
4000 a year, 19 with a 2000 z24, in my name and everything.. not the worst but by far not the best. Thats full coverage.
I pay about $70.00 for the same car '02 cavi with ecotec but I live in Whitby
4400 a year in my name at 22 years old full coverage... sucks but what can you do???
$88 a month works out to 1056 a year, for a 96 SF 2.2 I am 25 no tickets full coverage.
I pay $135/month living in Milton. Got rear ended a couple of years ago and have no tickets...... untill Friday. Gotta fight it.
Among the winners, there is no room for the weak
anybody got names for cheap insurance companies for their j's?
my insurance is 1700 every 6 months. 1 accident 5 years ago
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca"><img src="http://www.whiteboy.ca/images/whiteboysig.jpg" border="0" target="_blank">
Does your insurance go up from parking tickets? Cause I'm 17 and I'm putting my J on the road next month and I just got a parking ticket on friday the 13th, lol what a day to get it on. I was just wondering if now my insurance is going to be higher when I put my car on the road. Its already pretty insane cause of my age and the car being a 2 door but what can you do
Parking Tickets will have no effect on your insurance. I paid $1200 a year as a secondary driver until i got a ticket for racing, clocked at 154km/h in a posted 80km/h zone...stupid reckless youth. Anyways, now i pay $1600 a year, secondary driver, full coverage on a '99 Sunfire SE, 19 years old, that one ticket when i was 16. My first car, a '96 Mazda MX-3 Precidia GS (V6, and a 2 door) cost $6800 a year when I was 16, but it was insured in my name. Now I have the sunfire insured with my 16 year old sister as the primary, me as the secondary, and it costs $3400 for the "two" of us to be insured on it. Had I insured it under my own name when i sold my Mazda it would have cost me just under $6300 a year. I hear TD bank has cheap insurance, but that might just be through some insurer in town (Elmvale...just north of Barrie). I'll be checking them out when i grab a cavy.
That cop took the whole thing way out of context. I mean, I was only going 145 Km/h in that
80 km/h zone because I was drunk and I wanted to get off the roads.
Live in Thunder Bay own a 2000 Sunfire SE significantly modified. I only pay about $650 a year. Keep in mind I am much older than most, have a clean record, all three of my cars insured with the same company along with my house. As far as my insurance company is concerned I am too old and have to much to live for to do anything stupid like street race or what have you. And to be honest, I am.
also in thunder bay...lost 8 points on two speeding tickets and have two more minor speeing tickets... payin 1700 a year for insurance but no collision
3900/year 330/month..single 18year old, G2, clean record, under my own name, no collision..way to steep
redzed99 wrote:3900/year 330/month..single 18year old, G2, clean record, under my own name, no collision..way to steep
$3900 is too steep for you??? Try out this equation.
Single, 17 year old, G2, Clean record, Under my own name, no collision = $6800 a year for my Mazda MX-3 GS. That was 2 years ago, but like I said in the earlier post its only a 1.8L V6 (as far as the insurance company knew, wink wink) and was a '96. I'd hate to see what they would have wanted to charge me if they knew about the extra 0.7L of displacement, 7 PSI of boost, and a good 100 HP the car actually had in it. Thats a KL-ZE swap for those interested.
That cop took the whole thing way out of context. I mean, I was only going 145 Km/h in that
80 km/h zone because I was drunk and I wanted to get off the roads.
anyone have names of cheap insurance companies?