Hey all!
I have a red sunfire spoiler (which I am sure you all know what it looks like) for sale. It is in good shape and will part with it for $150
Cant give those away
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
Why so cheap? Is it an original or is it the Racetech knockoff?
Hey Weasel,
You think that is cheap.......you are the only one that has even shown the slightest bit of interest! It is an original from Street Force. I am selling it for a friend who tarjically lost his J that had a kit just like yours in a front end write-off. Do you want the spoiler???? Take it off my hands and sell it for more.....or I might just bring it to the bash this year and sell it. Thnaks for your feedback though.
Have any engine mods for sale? If it's the 2.4 that is...
Sorry, didnt see that it was an RK spoiler.. thats really wierd that no one is interested yet.
Great price man...
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
I know Im not from this region, but just wanted to give you a heads up
I just sold my old RK spoiler on ebay and got $275 for it
Don't just give the thing away
Sorry man, I've already got one.

I just figured I'd ask for the benefit of anyone else looking into this. Some of the older Racetech ones didn't have as nice a finish on them as the RK ones and ended up a bit rippled across the surface so even though they look the same, it's an important distinction.
I'm not even sure if they're still making them. Either way, it just meant a little more prep work was needed to make it look perfect.
Hey! I'd be interested in taking that off your hands if you're close to me... I'm in Whitby... approx. 45 mins. east of Toronto. Hit me back, thanks!
<img src="http://members.rogers.com/pearcea/images/sunfury_sig.jpg">
Damn my sig is old... That doesn't even look like my car anymore...
and Aguilera is WAY sluttier than that now!
im interested...if it not gone alrdy.
Hey guys I still have it and I am located in Mississauga. Can you believe some guy wanted to buy it and said I was trying to rip him off............he said I should be selling it for 100....what a tool! Hit up my email.....the one listed or shaunatguelph@hotmail.com
Well it'll be that guy's loss.

Like Lowfire mentioned, I'd expect you to get well over $250 for it. I can't remember what I sold one for a few years back but I think it was closer to $500.