What is more lighter a fiberglass or carbon fiber hood? Also whick one is easyer to maintain?
What is more lighter a fiberglass or carbon fiber hood? Also which one is easyer to maintain?
more likely for CF to be lighter if they are built to the same strength. However, unless it was actually engineered to be light and strong, and the layup folks followed the plan, the only way to find out is to weigh them.
whats more easy to install?
maybe take an english class or two.
what does taking english class have to do with this?
Adam wrote:what does taking english class have to do with this?
Because then your grammar, punctuation, and spelling might be a bit better. All of those things would help someone understand a bit better.
They are the same for installation. Have to mount stock hinges and latch unless you use hood pins. Fiberglass is easier to fix and usually half the price of carbon fiber.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
See rob understands me its just you evo.
No it's not just him, I had to reread your post 3 times to ready get what you where asking. Rob is right, but you'll have to paint a fiber glass hood so remember that cost since most run CF hoods raw.
I miss my Cavalier, even if it made 100 hp on a cold day and had more suspension then it deserved.
Grayscale wrote:No it's not just him, I had to reread your post 3 times to actually get what you where asking. But... Rob is right, but you'll have to paint a fiber glass hood so remember that cost since most run CF hoods raw.
Hit the wrong button. I should go premium.
I miss my Cavalier, even if it made 100 hp on a cold day and had more suspension then it deserved.
Most carbon fiber hoods are fiberglass hoods with carbon fiber on top so they weigh about the same. Both are easy to install as stated and both are easy to maintain. Either get a decent paint job on the fiberglass hood or have the carbon fiber hood clear coated.
so the carbon fiber hoods dont come sealted already? How much would a seal cost for a carbon fiber hood? Also could I leave the fiberglass hood the color it comes in, cause my car is white.
Each shop is going to be different but expect a few hundred dollars to have a few coats of clear put on. Some have gotten lucky by keeping them waxed but most yellow without clear being applied for protection. The gel coat finish might be close but it's not going to match your car. You can run it like that if it doesn't bother you though
The coating on the fiberglass hood is not designed to be out in the elements. You will ruin it without paint.
How much would it cost to get a good sealcoat done to a carbon fiber hood?
This is from andys auto sport website and they say for carbon fiber hoods.Will I have to paint my carbon fiber hood when I receive it?
No. In fact, for a lot of people the whole reason for buying a carbon hood is to get that new-age cutting edge race look. The hood has a clear-coat finish and can literally be installed on your car out of the box. Because carbon hoods are made to be installed without painting, they are often a more affordable option than fiberglass or steel hoods after you account for the paint cost. (For anyone who really wants to paint a carbon hood, it is indeed possible since the clear coat finish responds well to primer.)
That true that there is a clear coat all ready on it?
yes that is true but most put a few more coats on for protection
RIP Cpl Derek Kerns And Cpl Robby Reyes
24th MEU VMM-261 (REIN) V22 Crewchiefs
11 April 2012 Morocco (African Lion)
Oem clear coat on a/m cf stuff sucks usually....
Get a few more quality sprays done just to be safe in the long run!
My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
Is that a best place to get carbon fiber hood?
Basically unless you want to wax and polish your hood on a weekly basis and hope and pray that it doesnt become cloudy you'll want to spray clear on the carbon fiber.
My neighbour said he did not clear coat his and it looks fine. but he is on his 2nd one.
i never had any issues with mine clouding but its as cory said... basically a weekly waxing. lol
I choose the technology built for land speed records... not the technology built to save on emissions and gas mileage.
just a basic car wax or do they make a special carbon fiber wax?