Once I figure out how much the hotel stay is gunna cost (anyone wanna split a room?) and I can afford it Im gunna do everything I can to make it this year.
I was just wondering what your plans are for the trip, whos going, and what not... and since its on the way, maybe all of us MN guys could meet up in Lacross on the way, grab tony, and head out, maybee meeting the Wisconsin guys in Madison.
Also, if anyone thats gone before knows how much the stay costs, let me know, also maybee we could all work something out where we split the price of two bed rooms or something.
Im gunna look everything up and start making plans in the mean time.
still gotta see if i can even afford to go first...
me and my girl are in we live in wisconsin
When and where is this? I'm new to the J-body. I'd like to go.
Nick wrote:When and where is this? I'm new to the J-body. I'd like to go.
Glad to see my car finally getting to the bash! I always wanted to take it there when i had it all done up.
Well hey there Josh, yeah I wish it still had the supercharger and the big brakes, but it's still a beautiful car.
I'd like to meet more j-body people and my guess is the bash would be a great place to do so.
Josh you talking about the regal? or a J-body of some sort you probably have laying around?
IM planning on dropping a good chunk of change on a bike between then and now, but I should still be fine assuming the company I work for doesn't go under or something....
hmmmm....... i think i might go... ill see if i cant talk my buddy to bring his new cobalt ss up there too.

click sig for my car audio videos
im goin. im no help tho. save money for booze.

nom nom nom!!
I'm tentative on going. It depends on the job situation. I'm going on a trip to Vegas/LA for a week and a half this month. Most of my fun funds will be used up there. If I do decide to go, I'd be up for splitting a room with someone.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
Weebel wrote:Josh you talking about the regal? or a J-body of some sort you probably have laying around?
I was talking about my old blue 03 I had, Nick is the new owner of it
^^^ ahh I see.
BTW is the regal done yet? I wanna see that thing run
I might hve to bring the Redline down there...Hmmm
so is it all types of j-bodies? cuz i dont have a show car or nothin but i love cavaliers lol
hmmmmm... might have some leave around that time assuming i get back when they say. might ride the bike over for awhile. have a few brews