Alright, so i have polished LS Sport wheels on my 03 LS. So you want to just straight up trade or r u gunna want some monies? Also , were in ill do you live, how long have you had these rims for, the condition of the tires and how soon are you wanting to trade? I live in green bay btw.
im not interested but did you powder coat those? cuz i have the exact same rims but mine are brushed aluminum
Juicez99cav - yes just a straight up trade. Ive had them for less than a year, two tires are like new and the other two are pretty worn as you can tell from the pics. I would like to get rid of them as soon as possible and i live in Belvidere IL right next to rockford. zip is 61008.
Shawn - no i didnt powder coat them this is the factory finish
My Sig Was To Big
Would you be willing to meet halway from 53405?
Jeff you get these i will kill you =[

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
Why is that? Black on black looks good and then I can keep my 19's for shows only.. plus it will ride better.
Rims are GONE. Thanks to cartman 05
My Sig Was To Big
mmmmmmm...dv8's i miss my white guys should def swap...adr makes some great rims. When you get em just pull off the wording and have em cleaned up...good to go!!!

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
No problem. Thank you too.
Jeff I need to get over by you and see these on your car!

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
^we should get a photoshoot set up!
WiGM-Tuners member.
Collin- They should be on this weekend. I have to wait for new tuner lugs to come in.
02_redbadged- I would be up for a photoshoot with you guys.
Ugh that means I have to actually clean and drive the car
I can talk to Brett tonight at work if I see him

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
^well, u do have the good camera! so u would kinda have to be there!
WiGM-Tuners member.
thanks for volunteering me matt

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.