anyone going to this thing?
im going to go just for the SPL meter they have so i can find out. i just thought i would ask to see if any fellow jbo members are going out there.
click sig for my car audio videos
click on the link i provided,
June 27th from 11:00am to 3:00pm at the Dunwoody Institute of Technology.
click sig for my car audio videos
i usually go when im in MN but im not there this yr so i prob wont be goin
Where the hell is the Dunwoody Institute of Technology?
They could at least give an address....... for christs sakes.
right in minneapolis i think dunwoody ave. lol
mini meet?if so, im down
Mike wrote:The auto to manual swap is not as involved as you would think.
Get all the parts you need in a pile, and drive the car into it.
They will find their way into the correct places.