k, about 4-6 month ago..ya I know it was a while back, a guy listed an RKSPORT sub box that replaces ur back seat over in the green bay area and I was just curious if anyone had purchased it and if the guy still had it laying around for someone to purchase??
I'm looking to start over on my system...if i can't find one i'm gunna glass my own but thought it'd save some time and def interested in the carbon fiber over paint.
thanks to anyone that can help!
I tried to buy that off the guy on 2 different occassions, both times I never got a response after the initial post that it was for sale.
USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
that thing looks tits. lance but it and we will tweak it to fit if it doesnt. your car would look so badass with that in the back
yeah if its weave imperfections ill airbrush it for you. cover them up and make it look sweet. buy it now
nah dude...the rk boxes are more for looks then performance. They're just a cover, not a box, so the subs aren't even sealed. On top of it all the cover is VERY thin too. I may just glass my owwwwn
well as long as you dont get as high off the fumes as you did last time we were glassing you might be ok lol
vince...joey posted the links about 4 messages up a few weeks ago bud..lol
oh sorry, i just checked classifieds and rememebered you were looking.
its all good, appreciate the help...kinda got away from it though with the RK box being mainly for show...def a NO GO for me...haha
some people build a box/enclosure behind the "cover".
thats what i would do personally.
yeah, that's what we were thinking about doing, but really, if we're willing to do that work, I might as well build an entire box myself ya know? Not cf of course, but yeah~
Thanks for all the help guys