First of all I don't know if I'm spelling La Cross right or not so don't hate me if I am.
A buddy of mine who lives is Milwaukee was wondering if I wanted to meet up with him there this weekend. I was wondering if anyone has been there before, how hard it would be to get a motel room, how bad the cops are, if it's worth going.. and if anyone here is planning on going.
I know Tony lives there so he probably would know the most about this. It's not that far of a drive for me, but I have to work Sunday night at 6pm and I'm wondering if it's worth the hassel.
don't get a hotel real far away ....prepare to be FULL OUT DRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNK!!!!!
StreetDreamZz wrote:don't get a hotel real far away ....prepare to be FULL OUT DRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNK!!!!!
yea thats wut octoberfest is, get drunk, eat brats, and watch the seriously 10 hour parade..haha....tony only lives like 10 miles from me, i live on the outskirts of La Crosse. Hotel shouldn't be a problem....but call...if u need i can go and get a list of local hotels that you can go to IMO if u can go to the (stoney creek Inn) little pricey, well not that much but more then a dump hahaa... but its nice as hell.
awww sheeesh! lance yr goin to??? u gota bring the cavy i wana see that @!#$tt dude..!!
Well, it alsmost 6:30 and I still havn't hear from him, lloks likehe deosn't want to go. You never know though, I might still show up there anyway.
i was at work all day today... just got home. oktoberfest goes on for quite a while. tomorrow night i'll be out getting wasted out of my mind.
as for getting a hotel room, good luck. there's a few places (super 8, etc) that you can just get a quick taxi ride to, but call ahead to make sure you can get a room. i live close enough to just walk downtown, so i don't have to worry about stuff like that (sorry, don't have any room for anyone to crash at my place).
as for the cops, just don't be obnoxious when you're walking around... and certainly don't be tripping all over yourself or you could get a public intoxication warning/ticket. they are usually cool about it though, i havn't had any problems with them.
as for "worth the hassle"... absolutely.
cannon fodder wrote:i was at work all day today... just got home. oktoberfest goes on for quite a while. tomorrow night i'll be out getting wasted out of my mind.
as for getting a hotel room, good luck. there's a few places (super 8, etc) that you can just get a quick taxi ride to, but call ahead to make sure you can get a room. i live close enough to just walk downtown, so i don't have to worry about stuff like that (sorry, don't have any room for anyone to crash at my place).
as for the cops, just don't be obnoxious when you're walking around... and certainly don't be tripping all over yourself or you could get a public intoxication warning/ticket. they are usually cool about it though, i havn't had any problems with them.
as for "worth the hassle"... absolutely. 
how can u get a ticket???? lol... i think out of the 10,000 adults that are there(mind u at the lowest amount i could think of tony, im sure enough 98% of them are drunk, in public...hahaha)....and this year we had a "caremoney parade" or w'e for the "tapping of the **golden** keg..???rofolllll
basically... the drinking taskforce that was recently created passed a law allowing cops to issue tickets (with a hefty fine) for people who are overly intoxicated. you pretty much have to be falling over drunk, or puking/passing out on the sidewalk in order to get one of those tickets though. first offense is usually a warning (my friend got one not too long ago), but after that it's a several hundred dollar fine, and i think you can take some alcohol assessment class to reduce the fine. either way, i only know 1 person who's gotten a warning, and don't know anybody who's gotten a fine.
in any case, just something to consider.
@!#$, oktoberfest is the @!#$.
cops everywhere, even on horseback. they @!#$in close down third street so you can walk around all you want drunk off your ass.
@!#$, i so could have gotten laid.
haha very true tony, i was just saying its mostly because of the deaths by the river near us..
Eh... I pussed out and didn't go.... sounds like I missed out on a good time though. I never thought I would be old enough that work would take priority over drinking and partying. WTF.
milwalkee guy jumped\got killed off the bridge down by downtown(cass street bridge)...sheeesh?!?!?? was i right or wut...?!
Lance: a lot.
as for the guy who died, i saw a news report yesterday about it. at the time, they weren't sure if he had any alcohol in his system... but i'd be willing to bet he was trashed. im sure this will give that f'ing drinking task force even more ambition to screw things up.
cannon fodder wrote:Lance: a lot.
as for the guy who died, i saw a news report yesterday about it. at the time, they weren't sure if he had any alcohol in his system... but i'd be willing to bet he was trashed. im sure this will give that f'ing drinking task force even more ambition to screw things up.
roger doger tony :] also u see my new whip?? heh..