In the next month or so I am going to be purchasing a set of these wheels and at this point I cannot decide on what color. My car is silver and I like the look of the black on silver with the polished lip. I also don't want my wheels to not be visible with the black color. Just a little background on my car it is an 03 silver ls sport and will soon be lowered on sportlines. I am going with 18" wheels and would just like to hear your guys suggestions.
black rims it will set the silver off nicely
Thats what i was leaning toward.
I have a silver '00 cav and had gunmetal wheels and thought it looked really good, but after having those for 2 years decided it was time for a change and I bought some silver 18" Drag wheels from 2NVS4U and after putting them on I think that the gunmetal wheels looked terrible and I am sorry that I ever put them on my car. The silver looks so much better. The gunmetal with the lip makes the wheels look very small and out of proportion to the size of the car.
Just my thoughts though, its your car.
Did you know that the holes only natural enemy is the pile.