I'm looking for some help putting on lambo doors. If ANYONE has done this or has ANY ideas let me know any help is apprecaited. I live in Rogers will drive where ever needed.
Come out to rock falls lots of people will be there and help you put them on
I meant another meet I just had rockfalls on the mind lol
wildone, i can help ya install them, send me a PM on when you want to do it, i am free today after 3 pm too...
now where was THIS guy during the winter... he's yet ANOTHER snowboarder
i dont know if you've been on here before but i've never seen you yet so welcome to the org first off... and secondly... lambo door help shouldnt be too hard to find "round this here parts"... their's actually a few of us meeting up today at my place so if your up for meeting a few MN'J's your more than welcome to stop by and we'll see what we can if we can get er done or at least get you a deffinate time as to when we can... but if you need directions to here or wanna get a hold of one of us just post in here and i'll give you some #'s to call if you feel like stoppin by...
and again... welcome to the region... but watch for "Quazi Z and Cannon Fodder"... once they get some drinks in em they get a little "friendly" with the boys
... lol
it's kinda hard to get a hold of me I work 60hrs a week M-S from 3:30pm - 2:00am. But I'd like to get them done and get to know some people (yes i'm new here) Anyway my # is 763-213-5619 and mt e-mail is woodduck2009@yahoo.com thanks for everything!
well hey... i dont know if your work schedule is M-Sat. or Sun... but if your off this sunday thats when the rockfalls raceway is goin on and a lot of us are headin out there if you wanna roll with us...
Well what the HAYYYYY dude I didnt get invited over lol jerks!!! j/k
i will vouch that these guys are great to hang out with every chance you get to make a meet or just get out and hang with any of them go for it. and theres a good amount of knowledge with them all for helping out with mods to your car and theyd all be more then welcome to help you out when needed. i wish i didnt have to leave the region
Tanya just think of it as you're to cool for them all
The one, the only, ME.
I have this friday,saturday, and sunday off let me know if anyone is willing to help me put lambo doors on. I also have p.t.o. from work if during week is better, but I need at least 24hr notice. lunch/dinner on me. Once again my cell # is 763-213-5619 I'm willing to drive anywhere. We might need welder (I want to weld them in for extra strenght) Also looking to hangout and get some suspention and motor upgrade ideas Thanks! Dave
damn i live right by rogers i go to school there id love to help but spring break so im in IL visiting my family
hey cool how about when you get back? what do ya think? Let me know!
ill be back on monday and i could help then but id have to get a ride from you or a friend cuz i spun a rod bearing on my trip to IL and i have monday off school
cool! It will have to be in the morning cuase I work monday and were closed till then meaning I cant get mon. off due to not being able to get a 24hr notice in I work at 330 leave here about 230-245 but we have to do it at your place. I dont have a welder or air commpressor (I live in an apt. building and not allowed to work on cars here) so do you have a welder we can use? how about air commpressor? or maybe another time might work better for you? let me know I just got passanger side done tonight needs minor ajustments so we only have the driver side left! ok thanks Dave cant wait to meet some cavi owners all my frinds are into oher things....IMPORTS!....fools na just playin there good people too talk to ya later!
sorry man no welder or air compressor i only have access to the ones at school and there is no way of getting a car in there id still love to come help or just bs when and wherever you go to do this ill be back in MN at midnight tonight
ok cool im gonna talk to my friend Dan today at work and set up a time to do this ill let ya know then it will most likley be on a sunday thats our day off. My number is above in previous post in this thread so you can give me a call anytime if ya like. I might do it saturday morning as well we'll see. If its satuyrday it will be at my friends auto body shop he works at and if its sunday it will be at Dans place. Ill let ya know.