im looking for a car club to meat new people .....i have a 91 camaro with a 305 5.0 v8 and a i live in stevens point wi andi would like to be in a car club lose to my town
Theres are alot of camaro in wis. rapids but clubs i don't know. I know a few ppl will camaro. good luck looking.
matt keough
wis. rapids
i live in wausau , not that far away.
jake: do u have a team that would like a camaro on it
ahh that team . that isnt really a car club team or something like that. IT started 6 years ago with 4-5 guys.
basically just a close group of friends, nothing orginized.
have you tried
red 99 coupe.... no rust and it runs.
my grandma lives up there, maybe she would start a club with her ford truck (ughgcdag lol)
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