There is currently a bill going through the MN State Legislature to legalize the dash-mounted cameras and radar guns on squad cars.
That's right, they're trying to legalize them. Why are they illegal? They obstruct the driver's view of the road.
Since this law is being made, they are admitting they are illegal. If you get a speeding ticket where the officer used his dash-mounted radar; or you are convicted of another crime where the dash-mounted camera is used as evidence; you could argue that the evidence against you was obtained illegally.
-- The The One One --
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show me the technical info or where to find this in writing on this topic PLEASE!!!!
04 sunfire auto, mid 15's n/a, and still going
You can go ahead and argue this all you want, you wouldn't win in court.
The cops are technically already violating the law by having computers in their plain sight. Guess what? They can do that!
Its not illegal for them, I can assure you that.
M.I.L.F. HUNTER Its quarter past 12:00 know where your mom is................................I do
this is kinda like arguing that the emergency lights (cherries) on cop cars are illegal modifications, just like our underbody neons or LED's in the headlights... you're argument just wouldn't hold up at all.
tell a cop who has to shoot a criminal that is threatening other peoples' lives with a gun that his (the cop's) use of a gun is a double standard that is somehow making your life so much worse.
get used to double standards... they are all over the place.
HURRAY FOR STUPID POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are laws already which legalize the use of computers, guns, cherries, etc by cops. There are not ANY laws pertaining to any dash-mounted equpiment.
I will search news pages tonight. Me and my dad saw this on channel 17 when they show the legislature stuff. It was only about a week ago.
-- The The One One --
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I searched the MN legislature site and got confused. I emailed the TV station to find out what program it was on and to see if they have a transcript or some other way of finding one, or some other info. Don't know if I'll get something back tomoorow or monday.
-- The The One One --
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