I recently got bags and these rims/tires dont tuck like I want them to.
What you get:
(5) MR7 Gunmetal 18" Rims
(5) Kuhmo 712 tires (3 brand new)
Im looking for the best offers I really want to get rid of these. Also looking for trades....
Also sunfire carbon fiber hood.....
<img src="http://home.insightbb.com/~dvboard00/sig_finished.jpg">
would you sell the tires separate?
hey ill buy them, check your email or talk to me on aim at oougeman
Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger
no i did not....Do they still have a set?
<img src="http://home.insightbb.com/~dvboard00/sig_finished.jpg">
2K Cavy i would like to sell them as a set...
<img src="http://home.insightbb.com/~dvboard00/sig_finished.jpg">
I will buy them!!!! Send me an email. michael.wilson@tlab.aorcentaf.af.mil. Do you have paypal?

If you drink, don't park--accidents cause people.
boomboomcavalier wrote:no i did not....Do they still have a set?
i'm not sure. those rims aren't in the new "ad world" though they have other sets now. i haven't contacted them since i was first interested. here's the addy and all though...
GCR Tires
2580 Coffey Town Rd.
Cottage Grove, WI
608-251-9010 Ext. 4255
Ask for Al
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Lookin to trade for some 17" M4 Super Silvers ???
i have adr gt sports, 18's with only 2500 miles on them in perfect condition if your lookin for trades still. plus i have my bumper that you talked to me about. hit me up soon and we can talk if your interested.
boomboomcavalier, I think you have better offers on here already, so you can forget about mine. I appreciate your willing to help though. Thanks.

If you drink, don't park--accidents cause people.