So I was just wonderin who all of a sudden decided that just because we didn't have a million people coming to this meet that none fo us were good enough to hang out with on a saturday night? *cough* *Dyl* *cough* Arlo*
Some of us arent able to go on such short notices ... And I know this isn't gonna be Chicago's last meet. So couldn't we move the Chi thing to a different month.
And I'm sure there are a few others who are not able to make the drive on this Mothers Day weekend! C'mon guys ...go to Chi for another meet!!
Us little people are fun too!!!!!
Your man and I are planning to install parts, or so was the talk.
Yeah come on guys I wanna have a meet that I can go to, we cant get a sitter for the kids cause its mothers day weekend , so come on lets get the volleyball and BBQ going and I promise we can go to the chi town meet soon...cause I wanna go to ...and besides what fun would it be without me and Trinity....???....
later, Dave
ahem...dont forget Shel........Dave
I'm thinkin if anyone wants to come over here we will have a meet here for anyone that wants to.
And because some of us are true MN people and we care about the "lil people" everyone that shows up here gets 1000 bonus points towards Dyl's point system
Dyl and Arlo...You guys lose 1000 points! JK ... lol
I won't be there probably. I am in a weddng that day. MAYBE AFTER THE WEDDING, (its early)
HiLow Customs
im sorry you guys..but im pretty sure were heading over to chicago...why not hit up there biggest meet of the year, vs our smallest meet in 2 or 3 years...
and yeah we can go to another chicago meet as well...

Well then as the old saying goes if ya cant beat em, JOIN em so I guess Jen and me are gonna be headin to the CHi town meet and yes I do feel really bad about going but we found a babysitter for the night so we are going to be joining the journey to Chi Town..
to all the little people left who arent gonna go Im sure some of us would be willing to get together another weekend this month ,but I will leave that one up to you guys....
Again sorry guys but I cant see even having a meet if no ones gonna be around...
Later, Dave
that a boy dave
oh and whats with all this "lil people" stuff....i dont understand...

Well, I was planning on going, is there still gonna be a meet??? anyone?? James is gonna mold my vents, so I can get my kit on.

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
The may meet will be MAY 21 at dylans