I was wondering about this for a couple of days now and I got an idea from sombody. They told me to ask, so here it is. Does anybody in mn-j like me?? Not sexually, but ... friend type, or the type if you see them in the mall you can walk up and say hi.
wow...if you don't know who your friends are that's sad...

2002 Toyota Celica GT
^^ well ... recently I have moved away and more than likely I will be staying in MIchigan. I was just wondering. I know that I am cool with a couple of people and I also know that some just dislike/hate me.
Representing the 810's ... biatch!!
so what if someone doesn't like you... don't lose any sleep over it. if someone doesn't like you, don't worry about it cause you probably aren't gonna change them at all.
be yourself, and if people don't like you, then it's their problem, not yours.
agreed, umm yea somepeople don't like me and people ignore me sometimes but i don't care that much. we already had this conversation! people were talking about me at the first meet, well only meet i have been to. i am used to it because the way i look, but whatever.... i like you sometimes lol
<BR><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/ylime555/sig.jpg">
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/ylime555/ylime.gif"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/mnjbo2.gif">
Dan I must admit I didnt know what to think at first , well especially at the Halloween Party...lmao
But seriously I think yer a cool guy and if I ran into you out somewhere I d stop and say hello...for sure
As far as if everyone likes you?? @!#$ it dude cause you aint gonna please everyone so just be mellow and screw what people think , thats what I say ...
Later, Dave
JenDo's imaginary friend "Kyle" says you guys have mental issues...lol
Dan I must admit I didnt know what to think at first , well especially at the Halloween Party...lmao
Yeah, I understand ... I am really really embaressed about that.
As far as if everyone likes you?? @!#$ it dude cause you aint gonna please everyone so just be mellow and screw what people think , thats what I say ...
Agreed, and by no means I have been losing sleep. It was just a thought that came to my head.
Representing the 810's ... biatch!!
haha haloween party wow ...lol allmost forgot about that... allmost...
<BR><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/ylime555/sig.jpg">
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Well Dan... since you asked...
I personally don;t like you. I only met you at one meet (maybe 2) and for some reason you just came off as a complete jerk to me, so I decided to take the advice Dave gave you (except I came up with it all by myself) and just screwed what you thought of me. If im @!#$ to you, your @!#$ to me. End of story.
wow...if you don't know who your friends are that's sad...
And I strongly agree with this. Some people like you, some people don't. Why ask? The people who talk to you, and you talk to, are your friends.
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/neo32843/personal_pic.gif">
<A HREF="http://www.sandstorm-j.741.com" TARGET="_blank">www.sandstorm-j.741.com</A>
I think your cool, and would say hey if I saw you. I sometime talk to you online but usually these days im not online my computer may be but im usually not there lol.
I had always wonder this same question just out of curiousty(spelling). A few years ago I would have cared but now its like who cares, if you don't like me stay away from me or whatever lol.
So when you gonna come back to one of our meets
I took a Grey Hound bus to the 2005 GMSC Bash
I thought you were cool! I had no problems with you....
I'm kinda like I am who I am so ya either like me or you dont but i could give 2 sheets about wut others think of me.
And yeah, when ya comin back for a meet?????
<IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/jendo/wolfedo.jpg">
No offense but this topic is a waste of space. I am not trying to be mean but come on. Sounds like you're pretty insecure about yourself. Anyway isn't this site to talk about car stuff not personal issues. Again not trying to be an a$$ or offend any one by posting. Maybe I just don't understand the whole reason behind the post or I missed something.
Dan... i think your talkin to the wrong person and gettin the wrong intel dude... you come off as a pretty cool guy to everyone here except for dave... and no one really knows what his problem is anyway... and just like nick said... he used to think the same thing... now he just KNOWS that everyone thinks he's awsome... so yes dude... you should have no worries... whoever your talkin to is probly just tryin to give you a little insecurity and sounds like he/she could use there own friends...
Sandstorm-J wrote:
Why ask? The people who talk to you, and you talk to, are your friends.
check your theories before you speak man...

"Persistance of Percentage is Insistance on Statistics"
Nstig8r wrote:Dan... i think your talkin to the wrong person and gettin the wrong intel dude... you come off as a pretty cool guy to everyone here except for dave... and no one really knows what his problem is anyway... and just like nick said... he used to think the same thing... now he just KNOWS that everyone thinks he's awsome... so yes dude... you should have no worries... whoever your talkin to is probly just tryin to give you a little insecurity and sounds like he/she could use there own friends...
Sandstorm-J wrote:
Why ask? The people who talk to you, and you talk to, are your friends.
check your theories before you speak man...
darn right arlo. lol
<BR><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/ylime555/sig.jpg">
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Nstig8r wrote:Dan... i think your talkin to the wrong person and gettin the wrong intel dude... you come off as a pretty cool guy to everyone here except for dave... and no one really knows what his problem is anyway... and just like nick said... he used to think the same thing... now he just KNOWS that everyone thinks he's awsome... so yes dude... you should have no worries... whoever your talkin to is probly just tryin to give you a little insecurity and sounds like he/she could use there own friends...
Sandstorm-J wrote:
Why ask? The people who talk to you, and you talk to, are your friends.
check your theories before you speak man...
When the f' are you going to get on msn lol. I have those damn pics and the video is around here somewhere.
Ahhh, and about sandstorm-j's theory.... All I have to say is I'll be representing the old school.
^^^^Sweet fuc|<in sig dude!!!
Representing the 810's ... biatch!!
Thnaks for being honest everybody
Representing the 810's ... biatch!!