Shifter is right, if the caliper will clear the back of the spokes then i will need a set
I know brian zflip has them but wont do much good with this car in the shop
Print out the pattern on their website. I made the mistake of ordering my new 19s without checking the backspacing. The caliper clears by 1/8" Good thing Ill be running 5/16" spacer too.
Ya my car is at the paintshop, told them to mount my tires on the new rims cuz Im selling the Exels.
even with the pattern I'm not understanding how it will show how close the caliper will come to the spokes...
nevermind makes sence now but which pattern is it for chavalier, they don't have it listed...
thought you were done modding the car?

2002 Toyota Celica GT
18's + hgihway + everyoe slams the brakes + stock cai brakes = me almost @!#$ing myself as I slamed the brakes and prayed, The car is fine for driving aorund in emengency stops like that it simple can't do anymore
im in kinda the same boat , even the stock 16" ls sport wheels my 97 doesnt stop very well , and ive got the 13" ssbc 4 piston kit waiting to go on , but the 1 set of 18's ive got need about a 1/4" spacer to clear
so you know there is a few 12" kits out there that should work just as good
Z2Flip4 ~ I can't wait to see your ride at Dropfest. Hopefully that animal is done!
Sorry to get off topic..........