I haven't been around in a while so i was wondering hows things been. I've been around been pulled over tomany times and now taking the points reduction course to gain my points back so i can continue driving. First ticket was for 54 over in my saturn and now i got docked for 18 over now i shoudl have -2 points left lol I should have 1 point when i take the class. I'm also selling my saturn if any one knows some one that wants to buy it i have pictures at car domain
http://www.cardomain.com/id/wanacavy Its got some things done to it and its quick. I hate to let it go but i need money and i need a new car its just not fast enough for me any more. I need a camaro or trans am some thign V8 maybe a turbo cavalier. So tell me people how you are?
fire em up its time for ignition and straight automobile pimpin
look at my car
^^ im doing great ... but who the hell are you?? I dont think we ever meet.
wanacavy wrote:I haven't been around in a while so i was wondering hows things been. I've been around been pulled over tomany times and now taking the points reduction course to gain my points back so i can continue driving. First ticket was for 54 over in my saturn and now i got docked for 18 over now i shoudl have -2 points left lol I should have 1 point when i take the class. I'm also selling my saturn if any one knows some one that wants to buy it i have pictures at car domain http://www.cardomain.com/id/wanacavy Its got some things done to it and its quick. I hate to let it go but i need money and i need a new car its just not fast enough for me any more. I need a camaro or trans am some thign V8 maybe a turbo cavalier. So tell me people how you are?
are you sure you'd even be able to drive a camaro or trans am? or would you just sit in the drive way staring at it?
but yea, things have been alrite over here. the intake i bought from you is still the only thing i've done to my engine.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
hows it workign for ya sound good.? i liked it on my cav. yea i've been here before just happend to have soem problems with my cav and had to get rid of it. yes i can handle those cars i drive a 1974 elcamino with a 400 sb in it daily in the summer and its just fun. but i gata keep my foot off the gas if i wana be able to drive
fire em up its time for ignition and straight automobile pimpin
look at my car
it hasnt been 2 bad for me..still workin and oh i got a new girl...not that u even know me just thought id let ya know
sup pimp. we met out at the hwy one time. i had the tan 4dr cavy lol. i've been doing great. i got a job promotion and a new car (see sig). that sucks about your tickets. good luck getting them taken care of and with selling your car.

2002 Toyota Celica GT
laf 2 bad you cant't have it......then just think of the tickets youd be getting........
I'm doing good.. oh and by the way.. I'm not egaged anymore.just leting everyone know
"why was it me who happenes to open her big ol' mouth when managment is here?"
you were engaged?

holy crap! you're pretty young to be engaged...

2002 Toyota Celica GT
yup.. but now im not...yippe!!
"why was it me who happenes to open her big ol' mouth when managment is here?"
what tickets i'd never get in troubel with a trans am or camaro who thinks i'm gana do any burn outs or donuts or drift it? i dun think so lol jk
fire em up its time for ignition and straight automobile pimpin
look at my car
thats what i said when i bought it and it had new tires now the back ones are like slicks and i thinkn i put on oh about 5k miles