Buddy club 2 front and sides unpainted with the white gel coat. Only been out of the box to check condition when i first got them. $175 for front bumper and $150 for sides or $300 for both. Paid $300 for the front bumper and shipping alone!
taking your girlfriend out $20, Shopping at Meijers $ ?? dollers,
watching Milf's Ass and getting punch in the jaw ... Priceless...
btw if your not sure what I'm talking about....
Darkstars wrote:btw if your not sure what I'm talking about....
Werd I believe mine was on the inside of the rear bumper
well i have the front and sides and i'll hae to check the boxes again.
taking your girlfriend out $20, Shopping at Meijers $ ?? dollers,
watching Milf's Ass and getting punch in the jaw ... Priceless...
i did take pics post or pm email addy and i'll send them to ya!
taking your girlfriend out $20, Shopping at Meijers $ ?? dollers,
watching Milf's Ass and getting punch in the jaw ... Priceless...