For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto) - Mid Central Region Forum

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For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Friday, March 16, 2007 9:53 PM
Just a heads up to you all to maybe reconsider EVER going to Murrays Discount Auto.

I actually regret ever thinking it was worthwhile to come there anyway, their pads suck, and I would be timid at buying anything branded with the murrays name.

The other night I was remounting the inner door panel on my girlfriends 96 Ford Taurus and needed some more fasteners. (those annoying plastic ones) I promptly ran to NAPA around 7:45 to get them to find them closed, Damn, shoulda known they close at 5. Oh well, off to murrays...Call to see if they have em which they do. 3 packs in stock. She tells me they now close at 8, I tell her I'll be there 5 before 8 and to keep the doors open. I get there at 5 before 8, see two people go in to pick up some stuff before me. Doors close. They wont let me in. I get the "manager closed the door" talk and Im sent off on my way. Well good job Murrays. You just lost mine and everyone else I know's business.

So, asking for your help in boycotting this entire P.O.S. Company that does'nt even care enough about customer service to stay open for 5 extra minutes so I could pick up one damn part.

Heres the emails we sent to CSK auto group which is what murrays, advance auto parts, and parts america belong to.


I'm really upset about your store (if you want to call it that) in Joliet, IL on Jefferson St. According to your website it's supposed to be open until 10PM Monday through Saturday. My son was sent there and the door was shut in his face at 7:58PM. A blonde girl shut and locked the door just before he got to it and wouldn't open it for him. He needed one stupid small part that he had called ahead on and this dimwit still wouldn't let him in. As far as I'm concerned I DID buy parts at your store in the past, but I was born and raised in Joliet and I will tell everyone I know what kind of crap you pull on your customers and not to shop at your Murray's OR Advance Auto parts stores. I'm also writing a letter to the editor of the Joliet Herald News so everyone in the area knows what kind of operation you have.

and their reply....typical BS...


CSK Auto, Inc. apologizes for any inconvenience or frustration this matter has caused you. The hours have recently changed and I have requested that this be updated on our website.

We do value your business and hope that you will again give CSK Auto, Inc. the opportunity to service your automotive needs.
CSK Auto, Inc.

Jeannine Baggiore

Customer Service Supervisor

And of course if you'd like to forward your disgust to miss jeannine Baggiore you may, be sure to copy and paste that orignal email in there as well, just so she gets the picture. Maybe if I'm lucky the parts pile I'm going to call in and then conveniently not pick up because "Their doors must be closed" will stand alone and I can get a complaint or something going about this godforsaken chain of halfassed stores.

Any input too feel free to add...share your stories about customer service or lack thereof if you like.

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Saturday, March 17, 2007 4:51 AM
so you are mad that they were closed at 5 to 8 on your clock, why don't you go back and see what the time inside is in relation to your memory/clock.

can't expect everyone to be Karo

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:09 PM

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:20 PM
ToBoGgAn wrote:so you are mad that they were closed at 5 to 8 on your clock, why don't you go back and see what the time inside is in relation to your memory/clock.

can't expect everyone to be Karo

Because my clock on my phone is atomic. Therefore its more accurate.

But lets cut the sarcasm, regardless WHO'S clock is correct I am in a sales position that requires I put the highest regard toward the customer and servicing their needs, and even I, at age 18 can understand what it takes to close down a store because I do it all the time by myself. If a customer had called and told me they would be there at a couple minutes before 8 and had made good on that and I knew that all they needed was one lousy part you bet damn well that I would help them out. It's just the way a business (I dont care how big or small) should be run. You have customers who give you money for your goods AND services. I believe one of those services is to at least treat any customer with at least a little bit of dignity and respect. Even if it means god forbid that you get back to your lazy pathetic lives five minutes later then you normally would getting home from work.

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Sunday, March 18, 2007 6:15 AM
You send them a message saying you needed a stupid part and calling there employee a dimwit... no wonder they didn't take you seriously, going by your e-mail you sound like a crying high schooler bitching over minor @!#$. And after reading the rest of the thread that sounds preaty acurate.

Maybe its just me but I don't wait till the last minuet.... literally and then whine and cry and try to start to boycot because things didn't go my way.

If you want to stop shoping there cool.... noone else cares. Untill they rob you, steal from you, break your windshiled doing free wiper blade install or something else and refuse to make it right STFU.

People wanting to go home to there pathetic lives.... maybe they want to go home because they have lives, not stay late to make sure someone with a pathetic life isn't going to go on the internet and start a boycot because they didn't get there "stupid little" part right now.

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:18 PM
Actually my dad sent that so thanks for calling my dad a crying high-schooler.

Oh and did anyone say anything about me waiting till the last minute? I was fixing my girlfriends car and was working on it all night. Previously AND on the website it's clearly stated that they close at 10, like they always have. If I call a store to reserve a part and tell them I'll be there before closing then I expect their store to be open if I'm there before closing time. It's not a matter of staying late its a matter of staying open until they stated they close. Which was not at 7:55, 7:58, but at 8:00. No Earlier.

Oh and By the way, if you think your so much more mature then the high schooler your trying to argue with over the internet I'd like to see you shut up and stop sharing your opinions. Thanks

P.S. Oh, and you misspelled accurate.

Not trying to offend you in any way, PM me if you got a problem with it. Otherwise get over yourself and just let it be. Big freaking deal, one more thread you can skip over.

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 7:03 AM
Alex Richards wrote:Actually my dad sent that so thanks for calling my dad a crying high-schooler.

Oh and did anyone say anything about me waiting till the last minute? I was fixing my girlfriends car and was working on it all night. Previously AND on the website it's clearly stated that they close at 10, like they always have. If I call a store to reserve a part and tell them I'll be there before closing then I expect their store to be open if I'm there before closing time. It's not a matter of staying late its a matter of staying open until they stated they close. Which was not at 7:55, 7:58, but at 8:00. No Earlier.

Oh and By the way, if you think your so much more mature then the high schooler your trying to argue with over the internet I'd like to see you shut up and stop sharing your opinions. Thanks

P.S. Oh, and you misspelled accurate.

Not trying to offend you in any way, PM me if you got a problem with it. Otherwise get over yourself and just let it be. Big freaking deal, one more thread you can skip over.

If your dad actually sent that he comes acrost as very uneducated, he does sound like a crying high schooler..... which is not how you want to sound when attempting to place a formal complaint. If you don't sound profesional noone is oging to take you serieously.

7:58 is the last min when they close at 8, they are only required to be there till 8.... would you rather not be let in or walk around ge your stuff and get to the register just to be told you need to leave cause its 8? All the tears in the world don't make them stay open past 8.

shut up and stop sharing my opinion? LMAO and your trying to call me inmature? HAHAHAH as for argueing over the internet... your trying to start a damn boycot over the internet because a store does cater to your specific needs... need I say more?

The spelling correction... thats typical for people like you. 9 times out of 10 on JBO when someone says something and someone else doesn't like it they tend to point out incorrect spelling or puncuation because they can't think of anything valid to say.

As for your last line,take your own advise... the store closed... so what "Not trying to offend you in any way, get over yourself and just let it be. Big freaking deal"

and if you don't liek my comments then this is "one more thread you can skip over"

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 8:06 AM
and then lol. really its not that big of a deal that a store closed before there posted time. Many of stores do that and its not because there after you and don’t want your business. So you had to wait an extra day to get the part you needed. No big deal. I wouldn’t stress over it too much. You know how many times everyone else has went to a store to get something and find out there closed. Do you seem them boycotting the store because they closed earlier than the posted time. If your unhappy with the store than so be it don’t shop there. Not every store that is owned by them is like that. It could be the employees there or anything really. Its a losing battle and its not worth it. I mean really what’s the best that could happen by you boycotting them. Do you really think everyone is going to stop shopping there because they closed a little early than the posted time? Also like darkstars stated if you want to send a formal complaint to a company, I suggest being a little more professional about it and not as childish.
Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 9:13 AM
I work at a clothing store on campus and theres periods of time where no one will come in for hours but someone will come in at the last minute. i always lock my store 5 minutes before the posted closing time. Dunno what it is, but theres like an unknown force where theres ALWAYS those last minute douche bags who come in at 7:58 and stay till like 8:15 and I can't count the drawer or vaccum or do anything. I want to get out of there at 8:10 after a 6 hour shift cause i'm hungry and tired. I orgasm seeing those people who try to open the door at 7:58 and can't get in.

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 10:59 AM

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 6:49 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOO not the little plastic fasteners that hold the door panel on NOOOOOOOO. YOUR ENGINE WILL EXPLODE AND YOU WILL DIE WITHOUT THEM. Get over it. Quit crying. And i shop there when i need to. never had a problem. nice clean store. they had all i needed there.

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 7:34 PM

alex richards = n00b

darkstars = genious

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 8:06 PM
Alex Richards wrote:But lets cut the sarcasm, regardless WHO'S clock is correct I am in a sales position that requires I put the highest regard toward the customer and servicing their needs

yeah, im sure that's what was going through their head when all you wanted was a $0.37 pack of plastic fasteners... easy there big spender.

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 8:14 PM
I've only shopped at Murray's once...bought some Royal Purple...employees seemed friendly...I'll probably shop there again.

Out of curiosity though...If you were able to get the support of EVERY J-body owner in the world...what impact do you think that would really make? They wouldn't lose too much business, and every other car owner would be laughing at us (as if they don't already).


"Youth in Asia"...I don't see anything wrong with that.
Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 8:42 PM
Valid points for darkstars,


7:58 is the last min when they close at 8, they are only required to be there till 8.... would you rather not be let in or walk around ge your stuff and get to the register just to be told you need to leave cause its 8? All the tears in the world don't make them stay open past 8.

I was'nt asking them to stay open past 8. I asked them to stay open until their posted time so I could get my part that I needed that night so that my girlfriend could safely drive home without having the distraction of her door panel falling off. So yes, I needed them THAT NIGHT. Plus had they opened the door like they did for the previous two people that I saw walk in just as I was walking up to their sidewalk I would have been out at no later then 8:00.

I have my opinion, you have yours, my opinion is from the perspective of several different people who all have worked in retail and sales in some way including some who run and are director of operations for businesses and they will all tell you that the "only required to stay till 8" line is total horse@!#$. If your open till 8 the doors should stay open till 8. Theres a reason my store gets written up from mall management if we close the doors before 9 which is the posted time. Yes its a pain in the ass but we are'nt going to turn down a tuxedo rental or sale no matter how small if a customer walks in at 8:59. It benefits everyone. Im always on the schedule a half hour past closing time no matter what, as is everyone else. Theres a reason for that. Closing the doors before 8 and blatently refusing business is telling me they dont want my business. and quite frankly I'm tired of the lazy, slackass attitude of not only my generation but unfortunatly pretty much the majority of middle class working America.


yeah, im sure that's what was going through their head when all you wanted was a $0.37 pack of plastic fasteners... easy there big spender.

Think I give a @!#$ about the price? A sale is a sale and I've spent a hell of alot more of my hard-earned money there previously, Doesn't matter if it's 37 cents or 37 dollars or 37 million dollars

As for the noob I even have to justify that with a response? what are you, 5?

Have fun with this...This thread is going nowhere anyway. I'm out.

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 8:56 PM
Oh and since there is no edit button, IF it was anyone else on this forum making any sort of customer service complaint, I'm sure all of you would be all over it boycotting the @!#$ out of the store and posting your stories throughout the thread.

I've seen it happen over so many different topics. Now suddenly you have to earn your salt on a goddamn message board.

Honestly If I thought this was worth arguing about I would continue to do so, but I know its not and if you really dont give a rats ass you wont post up again. I really dont care. Obviously we disagree, holy @!#$, new concept. So I'm stepping down, obviously no one can have a deffering opinion from someone else and discuss it without being flamed about it. hopefully your obviously "mature" nature will counteract any negative connotations you have of me so we can at least post on this board without any personal attacks. You've already personally attacked me twice and I would hope that wouldn't be the continuation of sorts and how things would work out.

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 9:13 PM
Its ok If i were to boycott anything nobody would come to my side.........I'm lonely...

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Monday, March 19, 2007 9:14 PM
Alex Richards wrote:Oh and since there is no edit button, IF it was anyone else on this forum making any sort of customer service complaint, I'm sure all of you would be all over it boycotting the @!#$ out of the store and posting your stories throughout the thread.

no, we're very selective as to who we follow into a boycott on this forum. you're one of many thousands of people we wouldn't give a second thought to when it comes to telling us to boycott certain stores. it's just funny that you think we care that you lost out on a sale, it's happened to most of us, we just go on with our lives and take care of it later if at all. go take a nap, get those little plastic fasteners in the morning during regular business hours and calm the hell down.

come to think of it, i just found a pack of those little fasteners in my tool kit a couple days ago... want me to mail you some? i'll have to wait until tomorrow for the post office to open up though.

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:14 AM
so your pissed becaused they closed by mins early? they even told you on the phone that they changed their hours and closed at 8. alot of places lock their doors at 5 of closing so they can cash out the money and go home on time.

V Dub wrote:I work at a clothing store on campus and theres periods of time where no one will come in for hours but someone will come in at the last minute. i always lock my store 5 minutes before the posted closing time. Dunno what it is, but theres like an unknown force where theres ALWAYS those last minute douche bags who come in at 7:58 and stay till like 8:15 and I can't count the drawer or vaccum or do anything. I want to get out of there at 8:10 after a 6 hour shift cause i'm hungry and tired. I orgasm seeing those people who try to open the door at 7:58 and can't get in.

^^^ EXACTLY. i use to work at a pizza shop and do the same thing. i dont take calls at 5 of 11pm because i want to get the hell out of there and dont feel like staying around another 20 mins because som doucebag wants a slice of pizza.

quit your bitching. would it really kill you to go in the morning and get it?

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:42 AM
Still my favorite auto parts store!

Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:15 PM
Alex Richards wrote:Oh and since there is no edit button, IF it was anyone else on this forum making any sort of customer service complaint, I'm sure all of you would be all over it boycotting the @!#$ out of the store and posting your stories throughout the thread.

I've seen it happen over so many different topics. Now suddenly you have to earn your salt on a goddamn message board.

Honestly If I thought this was worth arguing about I would continue to do so, but I know its not and if you really dont give a rats ass you wont post up again. I really dont care. Obviously we disagree, holy @!#$, new concept. So I'm stepping down, obviously no one can have a deffering opinion from someone else and discuss it without being flamed about it. hopefully your obviously "mature" nature will counteract any negative connotations you have of me so we can at least post on this board without any personal attacks. You've already personally attacked me twice and I would hope that wouldn't be the continuation of sorts and how things would work out.

I wouldn't be agreeing with this thread no matter who gets ther ein panties in a bunch over something so stupid, you give yourself way to much credit if you think I'm singling you out.
We do disagree yes which is fine... I'm not flaming personally, I would be saying the same thing to anyone. And regardless who are you to talk? Your tlaking about the employes pathetic lives etc.. and then complaining cause someone says somethign about you? You have to realize.... you ARE an idiot, you have proved that and don't think anyone other then yourself would argue that. That doesn't mean I hate you and we can't be on the same website, if you want to leave because of this thread so be it, I'm not gonna stop you but don't think I want you gone.... again you give yourself to much credit if you think your that important that I'm gonna hold a grudge or whatever.

Long story short, if you post dumb @!#$ you can't expect being to rally behind you.

Alex Richards wrote: I asked them to stay open until their posted time so I could get my part that I needed that night so that my girlfriend could safely drive home without having the distraction of her door panel falling off. So yes, I needed them THAT NIGHT.

And if you want to call someone else comments horse@!#$....

come on if a lose door panel is a safety concern because you can't focus on the road I think it might be time to let Darwin take over. Some people out there are so crazzy that they have actually driven without a door panel!! I know its rediculous but I've seen it, I was amazed they didn't wreck there car.

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:52 PM
Could be winter hours.

Some places have them. Also, they are only required to be open till whatever time it is on their clock, not yours (retail clocks are usually fast so that they open on time)

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:43 PM
Alex Richards wrote:
I was'nt asking them to stay open past 8. I asked them to stay open until their posted time so I could get my part

thats right, you didn't ask
you had your dad ask


Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:01 PM
We open 5 min early and close 5 min late everyday, and I'm NOT taking anyones side on this, we just do that period

on another note, we have had people who , "just need one thing" try to walk in when the alarm is set and we are walking out 45min after the store has closed. and boy were they mad start asking what time is it and such. how many auto stores do you know that are open until 10pm during the week?

Re: For those of you in northern IL (and others that shop at Murrays Discount Auto)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:16 PM
T2 wrote:
Alex Richards wrote:
I was'nt asking them to stay open past 8. I asked them to stay open until their posted time so I could get my part

thats right, you didn't ask
you had your dad ask


Can you read? I called not my dad.

Is everyone still seriously replying to this?

Yea, so I was a little hot under the collar because I got pissed off at the lackluster business attitude at a retail store. Sorry. I just did'nt think I would come back to see this thread consistantly brought back to the top.

Honestly I get it, ok I wont ever shop their again, noone cares. Big friggin deal.

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
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