a group of cobalts and some j bodys are gathering on satruday for a bbq at leawood city park at 3 everybody is welcome to come just bring $5 or a food dish or drink. The park has a pool and play ground so bring the kids as well.
hey everyone im back from wyoming if you all remember me... if any of the regulars are out there.... skinny, snoop, mike with the orange cav and others....
@!#$ i'm going to have to tell the parents that i cant help them on the weekend anymore i'm missing out on all the meets. but just tell me when the next one is and i'll wright it down on the calender so i wont forget.
also glad to see you back clay.
Well Saturday at the park got rained out, so know one missed anything.
Yo Danial, Sat, the 8th is the next meet at the Hooters in Independence. And I promise to be there!! I'll put a post up with all the info here in the next day or so.
Skinny J
Tara, I will love and miss you forever, you will never be forgotten
I will try to be there but the last couple of ones I went to no one was there - even those that started the post. Only once did I see anyone at one - about 2 months ago and it was Mike.
It might be my last one anyways, I need to sell the sedan.
Bought another car.
Long time no see Clay and to the rest whats up Skinny ,Leatherz I've been missing from here for a while
so whats new what kinda of projects & trouble to get into this summer I,ve got two projects know I'm workin on
so we need to get out and meet so whats up
Hey, now we're talkin, long time no see.......................
I'm sure I can make this one.......I just work to damn much these days, and I'll have to find the Hooters in Independence, but no biggie.
hey can anyone with a j come or is it invite only and if so what time is it gonna be at, thanks.
I don't c y not I'm bringing a neon since my J won't
Looking forward to meeting again, and actually driving the Cavalier again. I do not drive it that often anymore.
See you all this weekend.
Any car is welcome no matter what it is. the Independence Hooters is off of I 70 and Little Blue PKY. just east of 291 on the south side of 70. yeah thanks jay i forgot that it was already this close but i'll let you post it. but i will be there so jay if i'm not give me a call plz.
Cool guys, hope to see ya all there, we need to try and get things rollin again, and I need to get off my ass and get another J, although I got got this damn motorcycle itch lately so we'll see...
Skinny J
Tara, I will love and miss you forever, you will never be forgotten
Ok so here is where it is i'll let J make the main post but this is for who ever want's it.
Saturday, July 8th, 2006
7:00 PM - (( 6:00 PM if we want a place to park. ))
Independence, Hooters, I 70 and Little Blue PKY
It's between 291hwy and little blue pky. on the south side of I-70 you cant miss it from the highway.
Let me know if you need better dir and i'll post a map or something up for ya.

Hope the photo works for you all.
Meh, I'll get some directions from Yahoo, your pics too small
yeah that was from map quest. they dont have an address for that store yet on there site so i had to make my own X on the photo. yeah sry about it being so damn small.
Well now, I can't F'ing make it, I have to work that night.................damnit. I will make sure I catch the next meet though.
we still meetin
be there after work so call me
913 523 6264
yeah where still meetin. i'll be there in like 2hrs.
Well guy's i'm sry that i had to leave so early but we are having some family problem's. snoop i'm sry that i wasnt able to meet you but maybe at the next meet if i'm not on the road i'll show up. the rest of you nice seeing you agian and hopefully we can keep this thing going this time.
so when is the next meet and where is it gonna be, many people said they want to keep it rollin so i was figuring there might be a couple more meets
Yeah there are going to be more i'll make a post for it tonight after i get out of school. Same time and place second sat. of every month and bring like 10-20$ if you want food or drink
should do somthing out south in johnson county area
Hey you all i'm going to have another meet on the 22nd so if any one will show just post in here or msg me and let me know how many ppl to count on. I know it's so soon but i'm going out of town for like 6 weeks and i wont make the Aug meet. so i was going to see what you all thought about having another one so soon. Hit me up and let me know.