Sony 7inch Widescreen Indash monitor w/brain and wires: 300.00
DVD player 55.00
Please when u AIM me, dont ask me what kind of unit it is when u jus read the post.
the post doesnt say what it is though...model wise
Sony indash TV Model #: XAV-7W
NESA DvD player
I'll give you 250 for both
matt i get dibs on your the one in your car now if u get rid of it?
cant do 250.00 im not making a profit.
well I don't really need it but I figured if you really wanted to get rid of it I'd take it. Yellow that would depend on what I do
but if I were to get rid of it I'd let you know first
. Cordaro if you can't find anyone and decide to sell it that low let me know
Its been SOLD: for 350.00 thnks though