Who is from Peoria? I'm gonna be out there tommarow....
come out to orland park and fix my trans fluid gasket
there is no trans fluid gasket
buy the parts and pay me and I'll fix it...
hahahaha that was the funniest @!#$ i read all day
All of HighRev....Me...Dauber....JennyJo...RedFox....
One thing i cant drive it so u would have to come over
is High rev open saturdays? I wont have my car down there but I oculs stop by and meet some peeps... anythign planed going on?
Not that I know of, and no they arent open on Saturdays, but sometimes we hang out and what not....
Dont know for sure though.
well post up here if anythign fun is going on, I'll see if I can make it out for something